Barbara x Male Reader: SpiderBarb

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AN: Basically Spider(wo)man Barbara AU purely created out of the thought: "Peter Parker...Barbara Parker..."

Summary: With the revival of magic evil figures have been keeping a close eye on the school that started it all, not to worry as a hero is there to protect the school! Though she does remind you of your girlfriend Barbara a lot...

Word Count: 3,3k


It was funny how just as life looked like it was about to back to normal it could turn itself completely on the head. Those were you're latest thoughts while attending the magical Luna Nova school just after it had weathered a crisis that put magic back on the forefront, with you being part of a new male student body for the school.

Currently observing the classroom you and a bunch of others were supposed to attend being completely destroyed.

"Are you serious, again?!" You looked behind you to see a growling Hannah. "Can't we have one week of peace nowadays!" She was accompanied by a less than stellar looking Diana.

"Good morning to you too Hannah." You said with a small smile.

"Good morning..." Muttered Hannah, looking at the destroyed classroom. "yeah right."

"Excuse her rash behavior, but I can only agree with Hannah with these latest string of attacks." Diana apologized.

"It's no problem, so who was it this time?" You asked as you looked back at the ruins.

"Probably that green gremlin guy or whatever, he seems to love destroying everything with that giant magic-powered drone thingy of his." Hannah said as her glare softened.

"Don't you mean the Green Goblin?" Hannah shrugged at you.

"Don't know, don't care."

"Could've been the doctor tentacle guy, or the one that really likes the transformation spell." You wondered out loud.

"The lizard?" Questioned Hannah, you nodded at her.

"Supposedly they are both scientists, yet I have my doubts."

You chuckled at Diana's comment. "Yeah, I think they just want to sound fancy, though I did hear the lizard guy is apparently the result of what happens when you try to mix magic with DNA-splicing."

Diana huffed. "Just goes to show what happens to those who do not respect the world they live in." Hannah smirked as she nodded when a shrill yell made all except Diana jolt.

"Well, whatever is up at least we had the amazing Spiderwoman to protect us!" Akko bumped into your circle, an excited smile on her face. "I went out of bed just to get a glimpse of her!"

"Did you eavesdrop on us?" Akko ignored Hannah's question.

"Isn't it so awesome we have our very own superhero in the school?" Exclaimed Akko, receiving a halfhearted laugh from you.

"Sure, so long as you ignore the property damage and classes being all over the place."

"Are you still fangirling over that skinsuit wearing freak to everyone...just like the last three months?" Hannah spat out, receiving a glare from Akko.

"She's a hero!"

"More like a menace, we don't even know who they are or what they want! Don't you listen to the teachers." Before Akko could go in on Hannah Diana put an affirmative hand on both of the girls' backs. "Can you two not fight for once! Didn't some of you promise to be nicer to each other a few months back?"

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