Criminal Hannah x Criminal Male Reader: Partners in Crime and Love

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Request by: Blade500

A/N: Bonnie and Clyde but LWA, because sometimes even the poshest girl gets to go feral

CC: Hannah and reader are kind of evil in here but they deserve to girlboss and hustle bro just this once, as a treat.

No magic AU

Word Count: 1,6k


A crowd clapped as a cloak in the middle of the room was taken off, the revealed object making ooh's and ah's coming out of the people as a ring with a red-orange jewel on top was unveiled.

The mustached man next to the ring began to speak. "Ladies and gentlemen, as the owner of our fine museum I am proud to show you the Angel's Heart Ring. A ring dating back centuries from when our Blytonbury was but a small hamlet!"

Unbeknownst to the man and the crowd a trenchcoat-wearing individual smirked at the ring from a dark corner, the person began to walk right towards the stand of the jewel without anyone noticing.

"It is said this ring had been crafted to always end up in the hands of two lovers who were meant to be, regardless of circumstance or status of the two. You could say it was like magic!" The museum owner laughed, a few others joining him before the shattering of glass stopped their chortling.

Everyone turned their attention towards the trench coat individual, their black-gloved hand having a firm grip on the ring.

"How cute, then I suppose it belongs to me and my boyfriend now. Crafted to always end up in the hands of two lovers right?" A female voice drawled out, many in the crowd beginning to glare at the recognized thief.

"Hannah England," The owner spat out. "I knew scum like you would come."

She threw off her trench coat, showing Hannah in her dark-burgundy suit. She tipped her hat as her ponytail fell out before laughing haughtily. "And yet you boys couldn't see I was coming and put your little treasure in anything but a secure container."

No one bothered to give her a response as the crowd filtered out of the room and museum security started to surround her.

Her smirk didn't falter, only growing into an annoyed frown as a shrill voice entered the room. "ENGLAND! In the name of justice you are under arrest!" A small brunette of oriental descent shouted as she jumped through the exit door, followed by another entourage of police.

"You didn't think it would be this easy, would you? I knew you of all people would try to have a grab at the ring and I was right, we're two steps ahead of you and have you completely surrounded. Now only if we could find that boyfriend of yours..." The girl pondered, scratching her chin and sticking out her tongue.

Hannah sighed. "As usual you're an annoyance Atsuko...and an idiot." Her grin returned as she touched an earpiece on her ear. "Any day now!" She sang.

On cue a bus smashed through the wall, scattering the guards as you walked out of it in your own set of strapping wear for any kingpin. "Sorry, had to get the passengers off first." You said, offering Hannah a lollipop as she walked up to you.

"It's bad to keep a lady waiting you know." She greedily swiped the sugary treat away before walking out of the hole you created, her grin widening as she saw a car without a roof not far by.

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