Chapter 33 - The Curtain Rises

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"How should we decide the order for the relay race, Keisuke?" Hirata asked me, as we made our final preparations for the Festival. The Sports Festival was now only 2 days away, and our class had trained as hard as they could for the Festival.

Unlike academics, where you can study the night before and actually get good scores on the paper, an Exam that marks our athletic abilities is harder to improve on for students who are lower than average. You cannot improve your overall physical prowess just by training overnight.

"Isn't it obvious? I'll go last. It'll make sense only for the fastest person to end the race, does it not?" said Sudo.

"I feel you should go first, Sudo-kun," Horikita said.

"First? Why should I go first?"

"It's because we'll need a stronger start. If you can give us a strong headstart, it'll make it easier for those who run after you to maintain an advantageous position. Also, the first person in a relay race is restricted to their own lane during the beginning, and lane changes are allowed once the baton passes onto the second runner. Starting from the second runner it's first-come-first-serve basis, right? And in the case that we get overtaken, it's specified in the rules that starting from the second runner onwards, we are permitted to use the outer lanes to overtake them."


It seems Sudo wasn't convinced. And he shouldn't be. Even I'm not convinced. Certainly, if one can pull off a fast starting dash then from the 2nd runner onwards, their sprint will become easier.

But just by taking the vanguard, doesn't mean that he'll be able to shake off his opponents.

On the contrary, by using up Sudo right at the beginning of the race, the situation where the opposition runners slowly close the gap bit by bit puts pressure on the subsequent runners.

By placing Sudo as the anchor, or the last person in the relay, there's a possibility that he'll be able to bring out more power than usual in the final leg. If there are targets in front of him to chase after, then he'll have just as much fighting spirit left in him.

"The anchor is usually the fastest person, right?"

"This is a meritocratic school. It's no good to decide based on assumptions and preconceptions. The other classes should also be thinking of various strategies," said Horikita.


"Takeyama, you understand right? Sudo should be the person to start the race for us. It's a good bet if we aim to win the relay," Horikita turned to me for assistance.

"I personally feel Sudo should be saved for the end, as the anchor. Is there a reason why you want to be the anchor, Horikita?"

"I ---"

"Please give us a reason, Horikita-san," Hirata gently spoke. "We won't understand if you don't."

Horikita made a complicated face. She was finally beginning to tell us the real reason behind her odd decision.

"Because I think my brother..... is the anchor....."

"Your brother, that's the..... Student Council President."

"Yes, he's my brother."

So Horikita wanted to be acknowledged by her brother, which was the reason she wanted to be the anchor in the race. Unfortunately, she's being swayed by personal emotions. Horikita was the one who made a great debate about how we weren't supposed to pull our own mentalities into this, and clear the exam with the best possible outcomes.

"So, you want to be the anchor alongside your brother?" Kushida asked.

"....." Horikita stayed silent.

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