Thank You

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If you're reading this, congratulations because you made it through Magic Meets Might!

Hugs and thanks to every one of you. Through my months on end of not updating, short annoying chapters, cliff-hangers, and general sometimes forgetting this book existed on my wattpad, I am more than grateful that you're still here, right to the very end.

When I started this book,it was called Seto: Not Alone, and had a really bad cover that I didn't care much about. As more readers flocked to the book and the plot developed, I made a proper cover and changed the title. From there, I change the cover one more time to what it is now. I'm so glad that happened because if the title were the same as it was when this started, I doubt even I would be here today telling you the whole thing is over.

To the people who were reading and supporting this from the very beginning, it fills me with joy to see that you've all stuck around for the end. Hugs to you.

For all the people who have recently plowed through the book to arrive standing with the rest of us, welcome to the family. We minecrafters are a strange family but with fanfiction, fanart, and everything in between, we make it work. Thank you for contributing to our strange little wattpad-fanfction-minecraft family. (even the Herobrine fangirls/boys. Rock on!)

Every time I post a chapter, there are two things that can happen. I'm nervous that it was a crappy chapter and everyone will hate it. The flip side is I, for the longest time, was nervous about what to do if the readers liked it. I think have it figured out- thanks to you, the readers. Hate or love, a chapter is a chapter and the readers make it work. Thank you for contributing not just votes and comments, but also hugs, tears, laughs, and from some of you (strangely and awesomely enough) cookies.

To the silent readers who perhaps have never voted or commented on this ever- yes you! (I'd never forget you) thank you to. Sometimes silence is the best approval.

Now all the mushy stuff is out of the way. I had to get all that out (seriously I don't know what I'd do without you all) here comes the big question.

Sequel or not?


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