The Bacca Kingdom

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Splinters were splayed around my head like a halo. I was lying on a gravel path, a pool of blood beneath me. Moving to sit up, I nearly gaged, completely grossed out by the stickiness of the crimson liquid. My heart was pounding like drums and my vision was blurry. The clothes I wore were soaked at my torso where a long gash stretched from my right hip, up across to my ribcage. Thankfully, it was shallow, not harming any vital organs. A dull throbbing awoke in my left arm and glancing over at it, a wave of nausea overtook me. No arm should be bent like that.

Through my cloud of confusion and pain, I tried to piece together the events of last night, or however long ago it was. I could've been out for a few days. I used a blast of whatever magic I'd that was. I was angry, that's what made the light come. The forest road, that man with the white eyes and diamond sword- he brought my anger.

With my non-broken arm, I reached down- wincing because it too was badly bruised- for the leather pack I'd found myself with. With a pang, I realized the man took it from me and tossed the dagger far into the woods. My fingers traveled up to the empty sheathe strap and brushed over the burned initials and name. I glanced down and smiled- the sword was still there, a little beaten but intact.

Think further back!

Nothing. My brain might as well have been an empty chalk board. I couldn't remember anything before last night in the woods. I sighed and stopped thinking about whatever kind of past I might've had.

Grunting with effort, I pulled myself to a sitting position, taking short painful breaths. I looked around, still dazed. My surroundings consisted of mostly forest, and just in front of me was a massive castle. How did I not notice that last night? On either side of great oaken gates, two banners waved saying "Team Crafted." Behind the words were crossed diamond and gold swords.

A group of armored men guarded the gates, well fed and burly enough to make a wary traveler cringe. One of them seemed to notice me and nudged the others, gesturing to me. The one who saw me first nodded once, then walked into the castle. I frowned, curious and worried. In my current state, they'd squish me like a fly and not even break a sweat.

No one moved until the guard reappeared. He came out leading a fuzzy man in a suit and boots. All the armored men bowed, earning an absentminded wave from their superior. The bacca shook his head at the guard sadly. The guard protested and I heard one word: Seto. As if a bomb went off in my mind, a wave of images and voices flashed behind my eyes. I know that name.

Seto is the most powerful mortal to walk Minecraftia. It's said he was taught by Notch himself. Notch? The Creator of Minecraftia of course! They battled side by side numerous times against...gah I'll think of it later. Why would the bacca mention him?

Two guards walked over and picked me up roughly. I cried in pain when one cold hand clenched my broken arm. He grunted and moved his iron grip to my shoulder instead. Knowing better than to protest, I was carried into the castle and despite the blood seeping out of everywhere, they didn't seem worried. The bacca came behind and approached another man standing in a doorway. I couldn't make out his features, my vision was blurring again as I began to lose consciousness.


When I awoke, white stiff sheets identified a hospital bed. My eyes were having trouble adjusting to the bright surroundings and to top it off, my neck had developed a dull ache. I was flat on my back- I never fall asleep that way. An IV drip filled with glowing purple/pink liquid was injected into my arm. The blurred shapes gathered into distinguishable features and I gasped because leaning over me was the Seto. Dark hair, purple eyes, the famous creeper emblem on his chest- it all matched up. At this point I was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable and scared. Where the heck am I? Noticing I was awake, he sat down in a chair and studied me.

"Do you mind?" I snapped at him.

"Stop what? Oh." He looked at the floor guiltily. I guessed most people comment something roughly the same about his surprise inspections. "But you intrigue me," the sorcerer countered. "You are extremely interesting and for once I don't know who or what you are- quite a rare occurrence for me. What is your name?"

Creepy much?

I can't remember my name. I can pick any name I want and let it be mine. Whatever Cassandra Ambrose owned this sheathe, she could be long dead. "My name is...River. River...Walters." I wrap my hand around the sheathe strap, covering the scripted name. I can flow with that name.

"Well, Miss Walters, you are quite the little trooper," the sorcerer smiled at me. "Even then, consider yourself lucky we found you. An hour or so and blood loss would've killed you."

I nodded and looked down at the pink glowing liquid. "Lucky you're here or I'd be relying on non-magical medicines."

Seto chuckled. "I'm flattered, Miss Walters. I guess you could say I played a small part in your survival."

Hand falling from the leather strap, I closed my eyes and hung my head. "For that I am grateful. I will serve you in any way I can!"

I raised my head to a blushing mage with his hands up in surrender. "No need- it's only my job and joy to help others."

"Please, allow me to help in any way I can."

He turned on his heel and began walking away slowly. "You may have to answer some questions for us. Now, the hour is late," Seto nodded to the night sky outside the windows and waved a hand, causing the lights in the room to dim. "Good night, Cassandra Ambrose."

In the pitch blackness, I sat in the bed, utterly stunned. "Good night!" I called to the empty room.

I am River Walters- not this Cassandra person...right?


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