Draw the Line

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"Wakey wakey Cassy dear sissy!"

I groan and press my eyes closed in the face of a searing light. Trying to turn away, a rough hand jerks my face back, no doubt leaving bruises on my jaw. His harsh voice chuckles, like rocks grating on metal, "Come now dear sister...Open your eyes and see the glorious performance I have for you!" His breath on my skin creates a cold tingling sensation. Too close for comfort he whispers, "I'm sure Moolight would love to hear you clap for her."

The mention of my friend forces me to open my eyes. After a few seconds of adjustment, what I see makes me want to run out to her. Moolight's face is contorted in agony as she hangs from what appears to be a meat hook in her shoulder a few feet off the ground. Pacing the room is a corrupted version of Adam the budder king. He taunts her, nudges her, even swings her back and fourth. Something keeps me from hearing but it's easy to see that he's yelling at her. The former lieutenant is not giving in.

Herobrine waves a hand and the glass panel separating us darkens. My friend is no longer visible, filling me with worry. Anything could be happening to her...

"Hush your fuss- there are more pressing things you should be fretting over," Herobrine mumbled, empty eyes somehow showing boredom. A table seemingly made of glass and smoke appears. I crane my neck over to peek at the papers atop it. He catches my interest and walks over to it, sifting through the blue parchments. "Like them?" The Nether god holds one up for me- sketches of runes, spells, and sharp pointy objects that make my stomach churn.

Herobrine smiles, "Completely original. This one," he points to one of the glowing red glyphs, "This one coupled with this," he points to one poison green, "Will create a thunder storm of acid rain and fire!"

I cringe as he brings the parchment close to me. Feeling it's heat and slight burning, I shrink down, tail curling into a tight coil. Tears come to my eyes and with hoarse voice, I whisper, "You're a monster..."

Herobrine chuckles and tosses it into a corner. Clasping his hands behind his back, the man grins, "Child's play. I can do much more than that...Ruin, termination, annihilation. Life, death, respawning, I can control it all with the snap of a finger."

"What do you need me for?"

He laughs. "Magical power. If you recall, Notch never finished giving me a share of the magic-"

"It was killing you! I wasn't going to stand by and watch your soul burn away!" The tears spill over my cheeks and my body shakes with sobs. "It's no wonder you're so bitter and dark-hearted. That part of you must've burned away long ago!"

A sharp sound echoes throughout the room and an equally sharp sting bites into my cheek. Herobrine stands beside me, huffing, with his right hand red. I look down and away, willing my hair to fall over my face and hide the tears of my pain. No such relief comes and I am left biting my tongue to hold back tears. Tangy blood leeks into my mouth and I am forced to breathe through my nose. Herobrine says nothing but I know better than to talk or respond. He's won. He's won over me, over Notch...he has to win- what alternative is there? How can, after all this, anyone stand even the slightest chance?

"Lights out- when you wake up...I promise things will be different." I'd imagine a mother to say that to her child. A brother to a sister in the midst of a storm- go to sleep, I'll protect you and the world will be a better place in the morning. The way Herobrine says it makes me want to believe him. Things will be different and any promise he keeps is taken more seriously than an oath. The worry plaguing my mind is how things will be different. It'll be gone, replaced by something more pressing. Maybe my magic will be gone, maybe even my whole life. People are so vulnerable when they're asleep.

Slowly, ever so slowly, the room darkens and my thoughts fuzz. The last thing I see is the parchment from earlier hovering in the air and Herobrine's eyes closed blissfully. The Nether God is smiling.

This is my line. I drew this line to create a fantasy that there was something separating me from weakness, defeat, and pity. This chalked fantasy on a blackboard of dreams. Seeing Herobrine excel at his dark craft, I come to see this line as it is. It's not a line, more of a jagged scar in the tissue of my imagination. This line does not exists. The boundaries do not exist. I confined myself with chains of smoke into a world of lies and comfort.

Things will be far different when I wake up.

Short A/N: Ah sorry for the delay everyone! I hope you liked this chapter though. :D


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