Slightly Off

538 22 2

I'm sorry about time skips being so frequent but I'm trying to move it along so she isn't a kid anymore and grows up before the book is over. :D Read, vote, comment, enjoy!

I smiled at the blue sky above me, and white puffy clouds danced across it. Somehow, I'd been contacted by Deadlox the previous night. I had no idea how he knew I was alive, let alone where I was. His letter said the Team had finally regrouped completely and the base was rebuilt. The Bacca Kingdom was too badly damaged to repair so they'd moved on. Apparently, Sky found a large amount of gold, made a castle with a large portion of it made of gold, and they called it Budder Kingdom. They hadn't said anything to me until now because they were afraid they couldn't survive another attack in a weakened state. Going over this information, I found myself very angry.

They waited three years before telling me they were even alive!? I stood and walked back to the house- after two years of running, I'd finally settled down for real, built a house, and set up a life on the outskirts of a small town as an alchemist. People came to me with their sick and wounded, warriors and explorers came to me for strength and other abilities.

I sighed and looked back on what had happened since they left me alone. Both Rory and Aria had passed peacefully. Back in the stable was my new horse, Blackberry, who I'd found in the woods as I was hunting. The poor animal was scared and bucking around. I gave him a carrot and we became instant friends. I have yet to find a dog, as I haven't traveled and I don't dare go too far north.

A tear rolled down my cheek and onto the soft green grass. They left me...They left me here all alone. They think I'm that strong? But I'm not that strong. I am just a girl! No. You have to be strong. You have to defeat him.

As I turned to unlatch the dance gate, something- someone, stopped me in my tracks. It was a face I never wanted to see again. There, in the shadows- not ten blocks from myself- stood a man with dark blue pants, brown hair, and a cyan shirt.

And white eyes.

He found me.


I reached up to brush hair out of my face, then realized my hands were bound. Not just my hands, my entire body was roped to a tall metal pole.

On a hill.

In a lightning storm.

I looked through the rain frantically, jerking, trying to get away from the lightning rod. It was no use, these might as well have been chains, I did not have the strength to fight them.

Once I stopped thrashing, Herobrine stepped through the curtain of rain and knelt beside me. His white eyes glowed like car headlights of malice. The only feeling Herobrine felt toward me was utter contempt.

My head was pounding, I suspect he gave me something so that I wouldn't resist being brought here. Herobrine chuckled as if he knew what I was thinking and enjoyed watching my slurred thoughts come together. I paled, realizing he was doing exactly that. He knew everything I was thinking, now he knew that I figured it out!


Isn't it Cassy?

"How are you doing that?" I narrowed my eyes.

Herobrine smiled and shrugged. The same way I can do this. He reached a hand out and touched my arm. Searing pain, like fire and bee stings, shot up it and flowed through the rest of my body. Too weak to scream, I let out a defeated whimper.

You're so weak, just like they were. They screamed too,while I was having my fun with them. Everyone in this world is WEAK!

"What have you done with them?!" I hissed.

Herobrine brushed a finger along my cheek and smiled. "You'll see. You have such beautiful eyes, all the better to see my triumph." His grip tightened and he jerked my face upward, "What would happen if you lost them?"

My eyes widened in horror. "You're a monster."

Above us, lightning crackled, whether it was his power or mine, I could not tell. If I had the strength to scream, it would be no use. No one would hear me above the rumble of thunder.

"And I enjoy every moment of being one." He squeezed my arm again and white fire appeared, not being doused by the rain. I gasped, biting down hard on my tongue to keep from screaming.

"I'd never give you the satisfaction of seeing me in pain, Herobrine," I hissed through clenched teeth.

He unsheathed a small diamond knife, and even in the low light, I could see it was tinted dark green. Herobrine gently ran the blade across my arm, drawing little blood, but more importantly, allowing the poisoned blade to do its job. Already, the sound of thunder was becoming muffled and I felt my blood flow slowing. I glanced at my arm where the knife had struck and could see my veins darkening.

"Let me know when you wake up, dear." Herobrine licked my blood off the knife and walked away, leaving me dying at a lightning pole in a thunder storm.

He left, seeming to take the storm with him as a few hours later, the sky cleared. I sat against the pole, hair dripping wet and clothes soaked through. I shivered, barely keeping my eyes open against the cold wind.

I won't give in, I won't go down like this...

My heart and head were throbbing, fighting off the poison. My throat was dry and I stuck out my tongue, hoping to catch some lingering moisture from the storm before. No such luck, I closed my mouth. At this point, the knife wound was numb and I barely paid attention to the occasional drops of blood falling from my wrist onto the muddy grass.

I tested the ropes pinning me to the pole for what must've been the umpteenth time. They were still tight as ever and my upper arms were left sore and raw.

"He couldn't have just burned the ropes away while he was at it, could he?" I pushed my eyes open and looked up at the now-clear sky.

He left me to die, he kicked me down into the dirt. What a surprise it would be to him if I got up and started running.

I strained my wings against the ropes, praying scaly ridge on the edge would be able to cut through. Opening and closing them rapidly, I struck up a saw-like motion. The restraints grew hot but dragon scales were made to withstand more than a little friction. I smiled at hearing the first rope snap, then  more at the second, then they began to loosen.

After a few minutes, the last one fell away and I stood, brushing mud and grass off myself. My clothes were still soaked through so I brought my wings close, making a little bit of a wind shield.

"See this, Herobrine," I shouted to the sky, "This is what someone you called weak can do! I will not go down unless I can take you with me, you hear?!"

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