Part 2

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Most of you are probably thinking, what was that?! That was nothing, that was so short!

That, dear friends, ended part 1 of this book. Part two may be as long, it may not be, but I reassure you all, this is not a joke. Part two will come.

I'm gonna say this up front, part two is gonna take a long time to get the first chapter of. It will still be in this book. (aka, not a sequel, just an addition) I really wanna wow you all as a way to a) make up for the wait time and b) spice up the plotline a bit.

How long will it take to get done and post the first chapter of part two?

....2.5 ish weeks?



My dear friends, there is a week in high school every year called midterms.


It is hell.

There will be about half a week where I will do nothing but write, then a full two weeks where I will not be able to do anything other than study and study and study.

Until then, I hope you all can hang on while I slowly pull out all my hair and kill myself with stress.



(PS: if you are very very very very very very lucky, I may post a short teaser to part two between now and the week from hell.)

(PPS: don't count on it, the chance is very very very very very slim.)

(PPPS: Wish me luck on exams.)

(PPPPS: study hall gives me three hours of down time and then I only have acting as the second exam of the first day :D)

(PPPPPS: <--- that is crazy XD)

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