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"So what do I do?" I looked at him tearfully.

"You say nothing. You keep quiet and keep down. I'll be back." He promised.

[24 Hours Earlier]

Seto apparently put in a good word for me, because the next day I was let out of the cell. I could tell, whoever this Cassandra person was, he loved her very much. I was too much like Cassandra for him to deny me freedom. He said he'd gone to tell someone else- a friend- about me and when he came back, he was crying.

He proved that I was Cassandra with a simple riddle, what was an inside joke. If I was her, I could answer it in under ten ticks. I completely guessed (right, to my surprise) and the sorcerer broke into tears.

Seto admitted that he had his suspicions. He said he could see it in my eyes, the way I moved, my personality. I still don't know who I am, despite what others say. Seto was so convinced that he held a renaming ceremony, hoping to unlock my "powers."

When the hour came, I was terrified and my fingernails were chewed down. For the ceremony, I wore a long black dress. The wings and tail were hidden by a deep purple cape. I braided my hair down my back with purple glitter around my eyes. I wore blue contacts so that no one could see my vibrant purple eyes. Magic was feared in this age and other than Seto, locals did not look kindly upon those who wielded it.

"I rename thee Cassandra River Ambrose, Guardian of Minecraftia, Upholder of the Void!" Seto placed a silver tiara in my hair.

All at once, glittering mist surrounded me. A foreign and familiar strength allowed me to lift the hands that before hung by my side like lead. I felt my powers returning, like a fire, warm but not one hot enough to hurt. If this is magic, give me more!

Like I was trapped in a cage of glass, everything shattered and fell into place. I remembered being Cassandra- not everything and everyone, but I understood that that was indeed my name. Nothing of my past came back but I could relax, knowing I had an actual name.

I was so happy, I forgot about being a hybrid and spread my wings. The crowd gasped, as they should. In the time before the ceremony, Seto told me one of the laws was no dragon hybrids. My pleasant feelings wavered, as did the cheers of those below. Within seconds, flowers stopped being thrown, children stopped laughing. In the silence, we stood.

A horrid, wailing scream echoed across the courtyard, chilling me to the bones. Stock still, everyone was scared. That scream did not come from the lips of someone frightened. That was a scream of horror and agony. Death even.

Then an arrow whizzed past and impaled itself in the Team Crafted banner. More arrows rained down after that and Seto grabbed my arm and ran inside. Chaos exploded above and below. The rest of the Team took out their battle gear and began to shoot back. Fear gripped the minds and actions of the entire kingdom.

I glanced out the window and all hopes of survival plummeted. Hordes of monsters were climbing over the walls and into the keep. Team Crafted, Seto, and I retreated to the Inner Hold. I quickly ducked behind some crates. Booms shook the foundation from outside.

"Seto?" I hunched down, looking around wildly. My heart was racing and my uneven fingernails made jagged red crescents in my palm. I pulled him over and out of the way of a blast of fire. He ducked beside me and I asked him, "Do you think this attack is related to me?"

The sorcerer beat out a small fire brewing on the hem of his cloak. He turned to me with sad violet eyes, "Yes."

"So what do I do?" I said, on the verge of loosing the small slice of bravery I had left.

"You do nothing. You keep quiet and keep down. I'll be back" He promised. Then with his hand alight with purple fire and in the other his sword, Seto ran out of the room and into the fray.

I closed my eyes and prayed.

When curiosity got the better of me some hours later, sunlight filtered into the small room, the dust making strange shadows. I stood up from my hiding place uncertainly. Mauled bodies were strewn about the room. I averted my gaze, stomach queasy.

If any of them were of Team Crafted, I could not tell. The doors were in splinters, impaled in hay bales. The faint smell pd gunpowder lingered. I ran outside and almost fainted. Everyone at the ceremony was in town square, piled on top of each other. The smell of burning flesh made me gag. The entire town had been burned. The city. Someone had graffitied two white eyes on the North wall.

I knew what it meant for I heard that name spoken in takes by children in the week leading to the ceremony. There's one man who no one wishes to see. His dead, lamp-like eyes glow in the shadows. His power is matched only by the creator of our universe. With a flaming realm all to himself, that cursed hell beneath our feet, he is everyone's worst nightmare. Herobrine.

I brushed back my cloak to the sheathed sword hanging at my side. Diamond, glittering, and deadly, it sat there, waiting.

When I forged this sword, I vowed to only use it on one man...

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