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Welcome, readers, to Magic Meets Might!

Disclaimer: The Minecraft realm belongs to the Mojang team.


A dragon-like creature looked at the concrete wall on which it leaned. He'd kept it here for so long. The dragon couldn't even remember what the sky looked like. Its feet forgot about running on soft green grass, only knowing the feeling of resting on the cold, hard floor of this cell. Such happy memories were as fleeting as clouds after rain.

Another creature, who looked human, stood in this scene. But this person, barely passable as a being, was free. No bars held him back, nor did heavy manacles weigh his arms to the floor. A tongue of fire was not burned onto his shoulder as a marking of ownership. The person could've been mistaken for his merciful, compassionate brother, in every way but one. It was his eyes that set him apart from all others. White. Soulless, merciless, white eyes. Eyes filled with power, anger, and triumph.

His triumph was over the small creature that stood between him and ultimate power. To him, the life and comfort of the dragon creature was nothing; he only cared for the power it possessed. What if he could make this thing disappear? He smiled in the dim light cast by his eye glow and a dwindling flame on a torch fastened to the wall. The creature shivered for when this man was happy, pain was sure to follow. What if all his problems could go away? But in this form, the creature, the dragon was too strong, it would take too much energy to penetrate its shield. He'd have to reduce it to something more frail.

Fire blazed in his hand, but not a hot, cozy fire. This was different. This fire was burning cold and white like ice and snow embodied in a flame. It was the same merciless white that enveloped all who opposed him and was the last thing his enemies would see. He raised his hand and shot it at the creature.

The thing writhed in pain until it became the small form of a girl. A girl no more then 13 took the beast's place and she was strong enough to not cry under his cold rage. She grew weaker and weaker until, barely able to lift her head, he saw he was done feeding on her magic. Drained, she turned to face him in one last show of defiance.

"I'd say: 'Where is your god now?' But, you, frail sorceress are practically a god and you are right here, trapped with me. If you want the comfort of a god, swear your allegiance. Notch can't save you now, he can't help, he can't stop me." He tumbled the thoughts around in his head, "Yes, I rather like that." He shot more fire at her., earning a scream from the girl.

"I could end all the pain right now if you swear loyalty to me. We could rule the world together- each play a part in sending Notch tumbling down. Side by side...just fight for me."

The girl raised her head, eyes glinting in the cell's torchlight. "Never," she hissed, before her head dipped back down. 

The man growled and strengthened the fireball in his hand.  A series of golden runes appeared and revolved around the fire ball. The man's eyes flashed white and he growled, "Then your life means nothing." The last thing the girl heard before a wave of white washed over her was:

"Herobrine. The god slayer."

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