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A/N: Oooh I was excited writing this chapter!

Immediately, I began to struggle against my chains, despite how the movement made my wings hurt- they were straining against the chains around my chest and the back of them. Herobrine's version of fun is "kill everyone that you care about and laugh." No thanks! I kept thrashing till the point my wrists grew raw.

Herobrine smiled and walked over to me. "I almost feel bad for you Cassandra, being so confused. You barely remember me or your life before meeting..." He glanced down the row in disdain, "These people. But I don't have a heart do I can't feel much sympathy or any mushy gushy things like that."

"You're a monster." I growled.

"I know!" He replied, gleefully. "I know what I am and I don't care, in fact, I enjoy it!"

"If Notch were here-"

"But he's not!"

"Well where is he?" Sky yelled from the end of the row.

Herobrine smiled and walked over to the Budder King. "Gone gone gone away, so far, he'll never be able to help you! Notch is currently incapacitated in the obsidian level of my dungeon, with barely any powers left! Dear brother becomes less and less of a god each day!"

"Herobrine, do you realize what this will do? All four of us have to keep the universe in harmony, you can't do it alone, you don't have the energy to!"

"Wrong again dearie, I do have the power! I've got Notch's, now I have Seto's, and I've got yours. That's all the energy I need!" Herobrine's eyes flashed dangerously bright as he grinned like a maniac.

"To Hell with you." I spat. I could feel fire spreading through my body, the same familiar magic I'd used on Herobrine on that forest road all those years ago. Since I couldn't use my hands, I curled my tail into a slingshot shape and smiled as a glowing ball of magic formed in the curve. Catapult style, I flung the energy at Herobrine.

The Nether god was thrown back and skidded on the floor until he came to the wall, which he collided with as well. Herobrine stood up and brushed himself off.

"We're playing that game then? Okay, I'm going to make you watch your friends suffer." Herobrine went over to what looked like a wine storage. He took out a bottle and I paled realizing it wasn't wine. This is where Herobrine kept the more dangerous and painful potions, easily accessible for him to use on prisoners. The potion he took down was golden in color but giving off a red aura.

"Sky, I heard you had some trouble with containing a spirit much like mine? They called you a monster," Herobrine smirked, "Skybrine?"

Weak but still very angry, Sky growled. "Once I snapped out of it, with all the destruction I'd made, only a blind fool would say Skybrine wasn't a monster!"

Herobrine put the gold potion down and took out another, deep purple and emitting black mist. "And Deadlox, you became a beast of the End, part human, part dragon, and the mind of neither. The mind of a savage. I beg to differ, I heard you were quite a magnificent creature."

"I killed people without a second thought, that's not magnificence!" Deadlox pleaded.

It's just a game, don't let Herobrine get to you....c'mon Cass, keep him out of your head.

While I bantered back and fourth with my thoughts, Herobrine had removed yet another potion from the rack. "And TrueMU. A hybrid of human and the most powerful mob in existence. WitherMU, that was a fun time. All those towns and villages that burned under your might."

Herobrine levitated each of the potions to their recipients and tipped the concoction into their mouths. Immediately, Sky, Deadlox, and MU's faces contorted in pain. Herobrine smiled and turned to leave. At the door, he paused.

"By the way, Jerome isn't dead, but......well let's say he remembers nothing of any of you and is very very hungry? Good luck." Herobrine flicked a lever which lifted a large barred entrance and shut the prison door, locking us in.

A rack had appeared when he left, on which were all our weapons and combat tools. The chains had disappeared, Herobrine wanted us to fight eachother. He was going to watch us turn on eachother until only one was left standing.

What do you think? Cliffhanger, I'm sorry, but you can see why I enjoyed writing this. By suggestion of TeamPony1 I've added Skybrine, Enderlox, and WitherMU. The bit with Jerome, oh Notch you're going to cry in the next chapter. That was an evil plan of my own, purely for the feels. I hope you like this chapter :D

Now that I'm officially on summer break I have way too much time on my hands so expect a chapter every other day? Two day gap at the latest. :D


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