Losing Your Memory

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I open my eyes to the dim light, it's night time once again. Every day, a parachute package would float through the bars into my prison. Every day for a week...nothing else has changed. I know when it's night and day, thanks to the moon or sunlight falling through my bars, so I know how much time has passed. If I didn't, I think I'd go crazy. Why am I even here? On the first night I stopped struggling against the chains. On the second day, I waited for someone to come. The glimmer of hope in my eyes faded on the third day...now it's just a routine. Wake up, look around, sigh, eat the meager meal I receive at 9:00 am every day, go back to sleep. I can't do much else.

I repeat my name over and over in my head, afraid that if no one will tell me, I'll forget. But even now, it's getting harder to remember basic things like that. I forgot my birthday, something that saddened me greatly when I realized I did. I think of my friends and their faces are blurred, their voices are off, like I can't really believe they're my friends. I wish I could remember them, or anyone. Even now I'm starting to forget myself.

I know tomorrow will be the same. The sun will rise and wake me up, I'll look around my prison. If I'm feeling up to it, I might move my feet a bit, making the chains clink. After about an hour of that, I'll sigh. Food and water will parachute into my cell, just within my reach. That's the only time I really show that there's life in my hollow body. I'll eat, that will take half an hour. Then I'll look around, and sigh again. I'll go through the names of everyone and everything I can remember. Then I'll give up. I'll go through all the reasons no one will find me. On that topic, I'll fall asleep until the next day...even that will be the same.

"C'mon. Cass I know you're there, you can pull through!" Hibiscus, the ice girl, pleads.

I smile. She's afraid, the others are afraid. I love it. I love their fear of the magnificent creature I've become. Why aren't they always afraid of me? I'll make them. They'll always be afraid.

My tail sways back and fourth, coiling and un-coiling like a viper. I draw it up to my face and notice a few new adjustments. Instead of a normal fin, a serrated spike tip gleams on the end of my tail, followed by razor sharp ridges.

I smile again, this time not bothering to hide my fangs, and the tail whips forward, punching a hole in the wall behind Seto. He draws up a pathetic shield, one that doesn't even stand up to one lash of my tail. The others sit around him, terror gleaming in their eyes. Well, all but Deadlox, who looks like he's repeating "I'm sorry." over and over again. I cock my head. What is the meaning of this?

Deadlox morphs into his Enderlox form and lunges at me, claws stretched. We sink our claws into eachother's shoulder and I steer us outside.

With more room to fight, I stretch my wings and yank my claws away, his blood glistening on them. Enderlox does the same and I feel my own blood trickle down my shoulder. Not much, only enough to be annoying, regardless that the wound is probably two to three inches deep.

I drop to all fours, claws unsheathed and tail waving behind like a scorpion. My wings are stretched to be intimidating and if he gets close enough I can drive the bony part into somewhere it'll hurt. Enderlox stays upright, hovering a few feet off the ground. His eyes reflect the rage and purple fire of mine and for a minute, we just stare at eachother, as if asking, "Why are we fighting eachother?"

I am first to voice my thoughts, which I'm sure he echoes. "We are powerful......why not fight them?" I stand upright and wave my wing back towards the house where Seto, Jerome, Mitch, Sky, MU, and Hibiscus are looking out one of the windows.

Enderlox nods and I finally get sure evidence that the beast inside has taken control. He's no longer Deadlox, wanting to protect his friends. The beast inside him is stronger than his will, it was only a matter of time before true colors were shown.

Synchronized, we both lift into the air, ready our claws, and dive at the house. Enderlox tumbles in, knocking over Sky as I pull up at the last moment, sending my tail flicking into Seto with enough force to send him back into the torn sofa.

Hibiscus- Notch bless her brave heart- jumps out of the house with ice spikes hovering behind her. The girl keeps the spikes levitated while she morphs into a large grey wolf with the same ice blue eyes. The spikes fly at me and I draw my wings in to give her a smaller target. "You're brave, but not very smart." I snap my wings back open, simultaneously releasing a bolt of purple energy which slams into her chest and tosses her to join Seto.

Enderlox is thrown through the window and my gaze travels down to him. Sky follows out, running with a budder sword. Enderlox tries to get up, only to be pinned down by Sky.

Seto has also regained his strength and out the corner of my eye, I can see him and Hibiscus forming a shield together. Mitch reaches to his belt and unstraps Betty, gripping it tightly with both hands.

I take a step back, suddenly unsure of my success in this battle. My confidence evaporates as that of my opponents grow. Before I know it, I've been pressed against a wall, completely at their mercy. Seto casts chains around my wrists, ankles, and tail, and a muzzle. I hiss at him but otherwise don't retaliate as Sky has Enderlox unconscious and his sword now aimed at my throat. Once I've been sufficiently immobilized, Seto kneels next to Enderlox and pours a potion into his mouth. Slowly, the wings and tail dissolve into pixels. His headphones regain their glowing green instead of purple and when he opens his eyes, they're normal once again.

"Seto, NOW!"

Something knocked into my shoulders, than another.

Everything is flashes, purple, chaotic.

Sky was pinned to the ground by a blade I held. I picked him up and looked around at everyone else, who seemed to be holding their breaths, waiting for me to make a move.

A rustling by the bars wakes me up. I don't get excited, what's the point? Keys slide into the lock and turn, swinging the door open.

"It seems you're more powerful than I expected. Maybe Notch's idea to give us four more magic wasn't a complete failure." A figure who I couldn't make out clearly steps into the room. The only distinguishable features are two white eyes. "How do you feel?"

I slowly raise my head to look at him, the first sign of life I've really shown all week- I think it's been a week, maybe more- and sigh. "I..." My name is...my friends are...I-I can't. "I don't know." Tears form in my eyes. "I can't remember..." Why can't I remember who I am? That was all I had left, now even my name is gone.

The man smirks and leaves, shutting the door again, leaving me in darkness and silence.

WHo aM I? wHy caN*t i r-rRemeMbER whO I am? I feEl likE I'm LLetTinG go. WhAt'S tHe poInt to LivIng anYmore-e? I hA-ve N0tHing to hOLd onTo nOw.....f-fA|liNg. DarKNess. SssI-Ilence.

[Error: Lost]

I begin to fall asleep and I wish I can say I'll dream. I don't because that would be a lie. Only people with hope can dream and I don't have hope.

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