Everybody Wants to Rule the World

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And now for the too-long awaited next chapter! Everyone, I am so sorry I let this book go on hold, I shouldn't make excuses but really-

High school just started!

DW Season 8!

I managed to get an entire book done in the time I was waiting for this one!

"Wow...our family is so twisted," I mutter. Herobrine nods in agreement. I turn my hand so the palm faces upward, as well as the rune which is now glowing. "Any idea what this means?"

Herobrine nods. "The Ender Eye, your source. The star, your home. The sword, your strength. The vortex, your power. And the fireball," He closes my fingers and moves the other hand to hover over my heart, "Is you."

"So what can I do?" I regard this information- and the scrawls on my palm- with a new respect.

"Anything you want, few have that power."

"Do you have a...rune? Anything?"

Herobrine smiles. "Yes I do." He pulls up the right sleeve of his t-shirt and turns so I can see. A fireball is topped with a pickaxe. A sword to the right and a diamond is to the left. The faint outline of something adorns the bottom of the rune. It's not clear enough to identify. "My magic is broken." He lifts his other hand to point at the blank bottom. "If you see Notch, his center is a leaf. The top is a drop of water, the left is a hammer. To the right is his fire, and a block at the bottom...Notch's magic is complete, it always was."

"What about Steve's magic?"

"He never had any but the fact he is immortal."

Herobrine is pale faced and shaking. I wonder if he was experiencing his own version of those events. His mining trip with Notch and Steve while I was safe in the mansion. His descent to darkness while Steve and I went back down. And his will twisted by power. In a way, it made sense that he broke away from us. Arrogance, betrayal, and power.

"So...to sum things up, I'm your little sister? Cassandra? I mean, that was really me- that was in my head. I mean, th-that really happened to me?"

Herobrine nods, glowing eyes slightly dimmed. "And Steve and Notch...all of us."

"And the sorcerer?"

Herobrine chuckles. "Very old and a long story I don't have the memories to show you. But," he stands and goes to the door, standing in it's threshold, "There is a great battle that has stirred behind the everyday life. People don't notice. Notch hates me. With Steve and Seto on his side, I'll last no chance. Everybody wants to rule the world, only very few get the chance. Us?" Herobrine turns his head slightly to look me in the eyes. "Could there be an us in this war?"

So I was right, I look down, eyes narrowed. It was to get me on his side. Suddenly, from the depths of my mind, a memory slams over my vision. I gasp and fall to the floor. Herobrine- I hope- catches me, but soon even the sensation of his hands fade.

"Do you want to play a game Cass? Please?" A haunting voice echoed around the scared girl. "The Nether gets so lonely! With Notch hating me and Steve being no help, I feel so alone!"

The girl whirled around, only meeting yet another hedge of the giant maze she was trapped in. "Please!" She wailed. "Please leave me and the others alone!"

"Notch made me into this! First, that mining trip! How did he make up for that tragedy?! He locked himself away doing he-knows what! I said those caves were dangerous and what did you and Steve do!? You both went back underground! Not only that but to a magic shrine! And after, with Notch's power crystals, I WAS FINE!"

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