Hexes, Curses, and Spells- Oh My!

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I enter the cavern and shiver. The air is suddenly colder and less fresh than the tunnels before. It's like walking through a curtain. To my dismay, that cold means heavy spells. I'd imagine dear brother would like privacy when within the city.

"Herobrine? Is that you?"

"Yes, brother of mine, 'tis I." A voice replies, laced with smugness.

"Why have you brought me here?" I lower my dark brown hood and look around in disgust at the rounded, confining walls of the old sewer. Thankfully, we're in a disused part of the city- waste no longer fills the concrete tubes with its putrid scent.

"You want peace, yes?" He can faintly be seen in the light of the redstone torch and he is grinning.

I reply begrudgingly, "Yes."

"Dear brother, I have a proposal."

"Go on."

"I can't really tell you...however, I can show you." Herobrine snaps his fingers and two strong arms seize me from behind. I struggle and lash out, hoping to kick or punch something to no avail. I glance down at the hands on my wrists and shiver upon seeing blackened skeletal hands- withered. My skin blackens where they touch me, withering as magic is drawn from it.

"Silence him, the futile grunts are awfully annoying." My brother says without a care. He turns away, eyes brightening to exceed the torch light. "Naive brother, as if I would offer peace."

A rough sack is pulled over my head, followed by a felling 'thwack!'

Cassandra's POV

Some months later...

I enter the rebuilt greenhouse and kneel before a crystal. With a quick flap of my wings, the knots holding back curtains untie and I am secluded from the world.

"To whoever can help...It's been months and we have heard nothing of brother Notch. To whoever can help or has information about his whereabouts or condition...please, something, anything, anyone, hear me." A tear runs down my cheek. "Minecraftia needs him."

It is true. Over the past few days, I have flown down to the Overworld and the scene is not pretty. People have generally begun to realize something is wrong. The colors of the world are slowly fading, getting greyer and greyer every day. Minecraftia is a garden dying without a gardener to breathe miracles into it.

Three days after Notch's disappearance, I made an announcement with consent of Parliament. I told the people of Minecraftia that nothing had been heard from Notch. They didn't take it well...I told them about Herobrine's reappearance. They didn't take that well either and I lost the respect of many explorers and mob hunters when I declared the Nether off limits.

I wish Steve were here but he was called away on a mission to check the prisons of Herobrine's allies. We had to make sure they were all locked away.

This all happened 96 days ago.

Notch disappeared 99 days ago.

Tomorrow, this world will be without it's creator for 100 days...if that's not worrying, I don't know what is.

I finish the prayer with a quick thank you to whatever could hear me and drew back the curtains. The sky says grey now...and black at night. The stars are cold and white. There is no longer joy in sunset or sunrise- it's all shades of faded color.

"Lady Cassandra?"

I turn and manage a faint smile. "Yes Alantis?"

She ruffles her angel wings. Notch was her direct commander- his disappearance has shaken her as well. It's shaken all of us. "Um...there are some boys...here to see you? They said, old friends."

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