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The same man keeps visiting me. He doesn't come in or open the door anymore. He'll just walk by and stand and stare. His trips are getting less and less frequent now, I think he's forgetting about me. I would, I already have forgotten about myself.

The days get colder now, I think I've been here nearly two months. I'm not sure, I lost count. One day the man came to give me a blanket and a box of tinder. I think he wants me to live. The packages of food still come, but now they're warmed slightly. The days have also been shortening and on some, I can't see the sun because snow clouds cover the sky.

I haven't said a word this whole time, which the man seems to be fine with, he doesn't ask me to say anything. Whenever he does speak, its a yes or no question, so I don't really need to say anything.

I'm broken.

That's the word, the only one I can use to describe myself. I'm a broken thing with wings that sits in a cell as the winter comes in. I only move when I have to eat. Occasionally I'll make a fire if it's cold enough but I know it will get colder so I should save my fire wood.

I know how I got here, but now even that is fading in my memory. The details of that day are blurred. Faces, voices, the colors are washed out. I don't remember what the weather was so my memory has settled on overcast sky.

I feel like I'm falling, tumbling around inside my mind. I can't settle on one thought but instead ignore all of them and stare at the floor.

"I see you're giving up?" The man is standing at the door again, not smiling, almost sad. I sit upright, surprised- not that I show it. He's never said anything to me before.

Can I even talk anymore? How do I respond? What does my voice sound like? "I'm okay....." I croak. I haven't used my voice in so long, it's shaky and hoarse. "I gave up long ago."

"I know you have....Notch says he's sorry he can't come get you. I'd let you out but you'd kill me."

"I really wouldn't......if that's the person I am, then I want to change."

"You can. Join me."

"Who are you?"

"You really have forgotten?" His face saddens more. "Oh Cass you've forgotten?"

I raise an eyebrow. Cass? Was that my name? "I believe so......do you know who I am?"


"Tell me." I say, curious. I want to remember who I am.

"Your name is Cassandra. You are one of the three protectors of Minecraftia. I took your magic from you and turned you into the dragon hybrid that you are now. The other two protectors are Setosorcerer and Notch."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Herobrine, the man who you protect Minecraftia from."

I don't say anything. What can I say? I could change the topic...sort of?

"How did I get here?"

"I 'influenced'- you could call it- your friends to bring you here."

"Why? Why me, why isolate me from the world and lock me away?"

"You are running out of control, even more powerful than me. Not even Notch fathomed the amount of magic you possess." Herobrine rests his head on the bars and continues to stare at me. "I guess that's partially my fault."


"I didn't cast the spell properly. You were supposed to lose all your magic and memories of magic, simply becoming a mortal human girl. Notch asked me to stop, to calm down. He asked me to let go of my power." Herobrine hisses, eyes glowing brighter. "He said to give up!" A fist collides with the bars of my cell. "He said, 'Surrender brother, this isn't worth it. There'll be no Minecraftia to rule by the time you're done with it!'" Herobrine lets out a shaky laugh and lava tears form in his eyes. "As IF! He made me like this, he gave me this power!" He steps back and raises his face to the sky, as if challenging the clouds and the night stars. "You hear that Notch?! You made your own enemy and now you're all alone! Your sorcerer puppet is dead and our sister is locked away where you'll never find her! NEVER NOTCH! You will never see Cassandra again and if you do, hehehe she won't even remember herself!"

The sorcerer is dead? Who? I raise an eyebrow at the madman's ranting. I'm his sister? And Notch's too? Who are these people?

Herobrine has teleported into the cell with purple fire flickering in his hand. "Goodbye Cassy."

^A few hours later^

F@lLing.....e-eVerytHing is S0 daRk.....All DaRK aNd blURred. Is THis inSanIty? WHo aM i? wHerE am I? I-I haVe to gE-t-t oUt.....

Help me.

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