Friend or Foe?

422 18 6

It's some time late, after midnight judging by the position of the moon, when I wake up to hear shuffling outside my cell. Small animal? No, I narrow my eyes. I see a flash of purple and something dark obscure the moon.

"Hello?" I whisper. My voice isn't as raw now, I've made it a habit to talk to myself.

"I see what he meant about you." Something in the dark chuckles.

"What who meant about me?" I strain against the chains, something resembling determination fueling me. "Who are you?"

A winged figure steps out of the shadows, purple eyes, dark hair, and magnificent Ender dragon wings. "I am a nightmare for all who dwell on this place. I am what haunts the dark and makes the End a place of danger. I am Night."

"Nice to meet you, Night." I say sarcastically. "I'd give my name but don't know who I am anymore." I sit back against the wall, no longer fighting the restraints. "What do you mean, "I see what he meant about you."

Night laughed. "You're just a girl, not some force to be reckoned with...but you are determined, against all the odds you still think you can win, Step one to winning, be free, I can help you with that."

"How?" I settle to the floor, grey eyes flashing with curiosity.

"For starters, do you want out of those chains?"


A black bolt of energy glows in the hands of the hybrid girl and expands into a net. This spell disappears and fuzes into the walls of the cell, most likely a lock to keep me in here. She rests a hand on the chains and they dissolve to ash, releasing me from the wall.

"Thank you." I say, standing and rubbing my wrists.

"Hey, any time for a fellow hybrid."

"Why would you help me?" I ask. I give my wings an experimental stretch. I thought people have forgotten about me.

"I'm not helping you." Night smiles, purple eyes flashing. "Lord Herobrine wants to see you at his castle."

Purple flecks envelop us and my stomach drops out and wrenches, re-familiarizing with the teleportation. I always disliked teleportation.

When we've teleported, I look around at a high vaulted ceiling of netherack, nether quartz, and nether brick. The windows are stained glass red, black, and orange and don't look out to the Nether but instead have lava flowing over them. I shiver. What a horrid, ghastly place! In the distance, I hear the cry of a ghast- perfect timing.

Night has already recovered from the teleportation and is unfazed by her surroundings. I guess she's been here before.

"Mi'Lord, the girl you requested is here." Her footsteps echo, only competing with the sound of bubbling lava.

"Excellent. Night, take a few diamonds and go enjoy yourself. I heard there is a Hunger Games marathon going right now in Budder Kingdom." Herobrine's cool voice echoes from the end of the hall. In the red mist, his white eyes glow and he has a calm grin on his face. This was the man who came to me in the cell.

"Okay Herobrine, you sent your friend to get me, why am I here? More importantly, who am I?"

"Cass, Cass, I'm won't like the answer."

"Who am I?"

"I can show you." Herobrine smirks at Night as she flies past, headed toward an Overworld portal. "Follow." Herobrine beckons.

I do and we soon arrive in a tech room, filled with numerous keyboards and monitors. Two chairs are positioned in the center of the room. Herobrine nods to one and I sit down, him in the other. "Are you sure you want to see?"

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