Who Really Protects Us? (Redo)

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So Wattpad is derping up and not loading the story. Here's the reupload. Sorry for the delay.


Notch's POV

Cassy stirred some hours later, I had fallen asleep after extensive efforts to bring her conscious. As it was, my diligence failed and I was awoken by the morning sun.

"Are you Notch?"

Cassy didn't say anything for nearly five hours after being fully awake. I almost startled at her speaking. She sounds so different than I remembered her.

"Yes I am."

"I thought so, you look how I imagined." She plays absentmindedly with a flower crown. Occasionally her tail would swipe over the blue green grass.

After some silence- save the crickets and small birds- I say, "How did you imagine me as?"

"Well," Cass weaves in another flower, "Just someone who could be a big brother." Another flower, "Someone fair," another ,"someone kind and powerful enough to protect a family," She looks up at me. "And someone with the sadness of a family broken beyond repair."

One stem is pulled and the entire crown dissolves.

The last bit catches me by surprise. Truth rang clear in those words.

"Do we have to kill him?"



"Because there is no other option."

"Bull ----."



"No..." I scoop up a handfull of the petals. "You deserve to know what happened that has driven me to this."

"I know what happened. Why? We don't have to, we can reason with him and make him listen. We can ask him to bring this madness to an end!!"

"Cassandra....." It pains me to see her so confused, a shadow of the great mage she once was. "There are some people that cannot be reasoned with.......If you remember, Setosorcerer was a great friend to all of us. He died at the hands of our brother. Herobrine hunted him down and slew him without mercy."

"I am not denying his actions, I am only pleading that we treat him like a brother rather than a beast."

"He is a beast."

Cassandra stands and folds her wings gently. Anger rings taught in her voice. "He is our brother, and d**m us all if I'm wrong." Her wings draw out to their full length, blindingly fast. The glass of the greenhouse shatters into a million clear shards. I shield my face and a mighty woosh reveals Cassandra flew from the greenhouse.

I take up my hammer and fly after her, panic surging in my heart. Cassy is in no condition to fly, let alone break a world barrier to escape the Aether.


A shot of purple fire hurls my way. It glances off and breaks a hastily cast shield. I pursue further, more and more worried by the second. Clouds send freezing droplets onto my skin and numb me to the bone. I write a small command and instantly feel better- an upside of ruling a world I created- and turn 360. The clouds clear and I am surprised to see Cassandra simply hovering in the air, staring at the world barrier.

Cassandra's POV

Should I go? I could go to brother and reason with him.....we could end this whole thing.

"Cass.......please don't go. Herobrine never does any good- he'll just fill your head with lies."

"I'm not a little girl anymore Notch, you don't have to keep looking after me." I whisper.

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