A Brand New Day

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Herobrine's POV

The sound of someone entering through a portal alerts me from my light sleep. I don't say anything, I don't move. I know who it is and I am not pleased.

She walks past me and I walk out behind her.

"Since you've dared come back here, I'm assuming the dragon wench is dead?"

The girl's shoulders droop and her duffel bag thuds to the ground. The dull sound echoes down the nether brick corridors of my castle.


"I'm sorry?" I cup my ear mockingly. "She's alive still?"

Faster than humanly possible, I shoot forward, sweep the girl off her feet, and pin her to a wall. The force of her body colliding with the wall cracks some nether bricks and the floor beneath us shakes with my anger.

"I thought I made it clear that you do not come back until she is dead!" I press against her throat, eyes glowing pure white. The girl kicks and her smaller hands grip mine, trying to pry my fingers from her neck. "You were given a job! Until that job is over, you belong to me."

I grasp her neck even tighter and hurl her across the room. The girl's limp body crashes onto the quartz floor. Beneath her, a glowstone light cracks. She whispers something too soft for me to hear and I walk over. My shadow falls across the girl and she whimpers.

"Dearie. If you want freedom, you have to earn it." Flickering flame consumes my hands. "Do you understand?"


The fire grows brighter. "I said," My hands clench her cloak and I pull her up to look me in the eyes. She struggles, trying to pull away from the flames. "Do you understand?"

With blood dribbling down her lip and a cut running across her cheek, the girl nods feebly.

"Good." I drop the girl and walk away, fire dying down. "Now, to your feet Magic. If I remember correctly, there is a dragoness you have to kill."

"Yes sir."

3rd POV

The Nether god releases the girl and shortly after she disappears back into the Overworld, he teleports from his kingdom as well.

Down in a mine, almost at level 16, a miner minds his own business, hacking away at stone and ores and placing water over lava so as not to get burned. Simple procedure for a miner. Apart from the zombie and skeleton or the occasional creeper, the miner believes himself to be alone. With sword in one hand and pickaxe in the other, the miner presses on, coming across redstone or even gold every so often.

Little does he know, a dark shadow followed him, drinking in his fears of dying in the cave or some other horror befall him.

The shadow, better known to some as Lord Herobrine, flies ahead and sets the first of the miner's troubles. A tripwire, thinner than a grain of sand, stretches across a 2x1 tunnel. Linked to it is a jute box with a broken disk jammed inside.

The miner sees iron ore ahead and runs forward, triggering the jute box. The string breaks and the broken disk plays as best it can. Soon the sounds of heavy breathing and frantic footsteps fills the mine shaft. The man looks around wildly, trying to find the source of the noise.

In a dark corner of the mine shaft, Herobrine chuckles to himself. Watching the miner, he thought to himself about the stupidity of the human race.

The miner runs on until he finds himself in a small room. Behind him, pistons click and the miner is sealed in.

"Now you die..."

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