Spilt Beans

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The chapter we've been waiting for! Let the feels and reveals be unleashed!

Pale, morning sunlight filtered through the curtains. Myself, Hibiscus, Seto, Deadlox, Sky, Mitch, MU, and Jerome sat around a small coffee table, all waiting for someone to break the silence, all not wanting to be the person who did.

"Guys, I think we deserve a bit of an explaination. The castle, our lives, were fine until Cass came long." Sky glared around at everyone, settling on Seto, who had his head in his hands. After a few moments, the Budder King's gaze flashed to me.

I hid a look of hurt and betrayl. So they think I'm the cause of their troubles? Just because I'm here?

"And now Herobrine, who is supposed to be a myth, has come along and decided to ruin our lives! Why, because Cass here won't play a game with him? What's so bad if it's just a game?"

My violet eyes snapped up to meet his sun glasses. "It's bad because his games aren't 'just games.' They hang the lives of hundreds of people in the balance, one wrong move and you and all those people are out! What then? Then your friends are totrured for as long as they live, their families and lives are twisted to his desires, their hosues will burn, and following it, the realm!" I stood up to meet him level. "Do you understand now why I don't want to play?!" I concidered unsheathing my claws and swiping at him, but the others would just dogpile me. "And that's not all. When he's done with ruining your friends' lives, he'll lock you in a room and feed off your soul until you waste away."

At this point, Sky was staring at me eyes wide and face pale. He nodded slowly before sitting back down on the sofa. I lowered myself into a chair slightly further from the group. "It's like a game of chess. One wrong move and it's checkmate."

"Seto, the Cass we knew was different than this, what happened to her?" Sky whispered. Deadlox rested a hand on the Budder king's shoulder as a warning to not continue.

Seto sighed and shook his head, "How should I know, I haven't seen her any more than you have. If she wants to tell us, she will, we just have to wait. I think she's his scared and doesn't want to retell whatever happened."

"I'm not scared." I said, my voice barely more than a whisper. None of them heard me but Hibiscus, who glanced over at me and flicked an ear to acknowledge my statement.

"I'm not scared." I restated, this time louder and more confident.

Mitch turned around go glare at me, "Oh yeah? Then tell us everything that happened after your supposed death."

I bit my lip nervously, now everyone had turned to stare. I uncurled my tail and tried to look anything but terrified. "Okay, fine...So shortly after the Battle of Red River, it was reported that Herobrine had appeared and I was fighting him, then a rather powerful spell backfired, yes? And I was in hospital, I disappeared and everyone assumed I was dead." My tail curled around the legs of the chair, any movement to keep the rest of my body from shaking was welcome. "He took me to his Nether castle and said we were going to play a game. I would join him and he'd keep me a-alive. I said no and he went to a different plan. Using spells more ancient then the realm itself, he found a way to remove my magic. This went on for about a year till he got tired with me and I was released. Before going, he injected me with something and he said the real games would begin soon. I can only assume it's what turned me into this." I spread my wings slightly before pressing them against my back. "He had erased my memory and put me out on the forest road. I didn't know where I was and he was there, watching. We fought, I used power which I knew nothing about at the time. At that point, I was found, by Jerome here and you've known me since." I surprised myself because no tears were in my eyes. If any emotion reached me, it was calm.

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