Author's Note

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Okay people let's get one thing straight: this is my very first story being typed on Wattpad, and I don't know the full ropes of making a story on here. So, bear with me for a while here, as this is a test run for what I may create. I won't blame you if you wish to correct me on my mistake that I make I the long run. Because unlike the SJW bitch that runs Lucasfilm as a figurehead, and more like Dave Filoni, Jon Favreau, and George Lucas himself, I actually want to give fans what they want in relation to Star Wars. RWBY, I will admit to you all that I don't know much on the lore about, nor do I care to, as MANY stories on Wattpad based on the series are actually better than what Rooster Teeth gave us after season three after Monty Oum passed. 

So really, this story is running on my imagination. I had this idea for a while now after reading some other stories that gave me ideas for it. So, if some elements seem familiar, it's because I got inspiration from some certain authors and their stories to help put this idea together. A shoutout to some of them will be given in just a moment, as I am not stealing their ideas, but building new ones based upon them.

But yeah, this idea I have to write down, part of it is based on getting tired of the main RWBY group trying to make fairytales a come to life and expect it to come easily just because they rely on the hero role too much. They mostly don't think about the consequences of their actions, and it's about to be shown on here when the Empire invades Remnant. So yeah, get ready for some dark stuff.

And another part that this story is based off of is the possibility of an elite suicide squad for the Alliance against the Imps, because really, the space fascists are almost addicted to war crimes as General Grevious, and there have been little mentions of people that have lost everything but put their skills to use in missions with high failure rates, Rebels and the main trilogy excluded. And especially how different types of surviving Jedi handled order 66 and the fact that their lives are gone is basically a must have for the reader insert.

Shout outs to Jedisage and the story "Aura and the force", the first Star Wars/RWBY story I read.

Shout outs to steventhealbino, another author that has some good RWBY stories, which gave me some inspiration on great story building

Shout out to that nerd who wrote RJO for "Remnant's Jedi Order", an amazing story that managed to get a sequel out.

Shout outs to [XGN] XLency for "The Soldiers of Remnant" which gives a clearer view on how a war can affect civilization, no matter how it is built.

So make your votes for the bio section, and I'll hopefully see you all in the first release, which will be a bio of yourself as a Jedi and your squad, and prologue in due time.

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