Chapter 1

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Beacon Medical Room

Professors Ozpin and Goodwitch were standing over the bed that the unknown young man lay in while he was unconscious. The little robot was allowed to stay with them to keep an eye on its owner while Professor Peach worked to nurse him back to health.

Ozpin: "How is he Celestia?"

Peach: "I have no idea where you found him or what he went through to end up like this, but in spite of his injuries, he's going to miraculously make a full recovery."

Both teachers let out a sigh of relief at that, while R5 a relieved beep at the news that his companion was going to survive.

Glynda: "Thank Oum. His aura must be incredibly great in amount to heal him from such injuries."

Peach: "Actually Miss Goodwitch, for some reason, he doesn't have an aura."

Ozpin and Glynda were greatly confused at that statement.

Ozpin: "I don't understand Peach. If he doesn't have an aura, how is he healing so quickly?"

Peach: "I don't understand it myself, but it might have to do with his mysterious blood."

Ozpin: "His blood? Why do you say that, and why call it mysterious?"

Prof. Peach then gave her scroll with the medical data of the patient to the headmaster to show him what she had discovered.

Peach: "I gave him a blood transfusion to help stabilize him, but when I took a sample to see what blood type he is, I discovered something incredible: there are thousands a sentient, microscopic organisms living in his blood stream."

Both Professors were stunned at this discovery

Glynda: "What do you mean 'organisms in his blood stream'? Are they like parasites?"

Peach: "Quite the contrary. They seem to give a powerful substance into his body that is rejuvenating him and healing his injuries. Not only that, but when I tried to take some into a storage capsule for study later, they dissolved instantly. I don't know if it's because they weren't in contact with their host or if it's a defense mechanism, but whatever these tiny creatures are, they are certainly mysterious and powerful in their own right."

Ozpin and Glynda were greatly intrigued by this. This unknown individual had no aura, yet he was able to perform an unknown form of telekinetic semblance and heal at a quick rate without medical treatment. While Glynda was suspicious of this man and what he could possibly do on a greater scale, Ozpin was greatly more curious on what he was capable of and what kind of person he was. R3, meanwhile, decided to stay silent and not possible give away anything about his friend, if anyone of these technologically primitive humans even understood binary code.

Ozpin: "Thank you for your work Celestia. Please keep him in a stable condition and notify me right away when he regains consciousness."

Professor Peach nodded in reply and went back to making sure the equipment was operating right. R3 was mostly ignored, but was allowed to remain by his owner's side since he wouldn't go anywhere else, and all other attempts to turn him off were met with a stiff shock from his utility arm.

As the headmaster and his assistant walked out of the medical room, Glynda made her thoughts known

Glynda: "Headmaster, are you sure it was a good idea to bring a potentially hostile human alien to this school?"

Ozpin: "Glynda, I understand your concern for the students, but I really don't think he will be that much of a threat, willing or otherwise. Not to mention he saved Miss Rose's life during that incident with the Goliath, even with his injuries. I'd say that's a sure sign of him being friendly in my book."

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