Chapter 22

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I don't own Star Wars or RWBY, as much as I want to...


Stargazer Meeting Room

Alema: "A Jedi Master??" She asked in bewilderment.

The others had the same look as well, aside from Neo, who looked in curiosity while she was holding Anwir and feeding him formula.

Neo: "So, this Jedi is a master like yours (Y/n)?" She asked.

(Y/n): "Yeah. Luminara Unduli was a renowned Jedi master and teacher. So much so that a lot of padawans wanted her to teach them many things their own masters couldn't."

Shieeva: "Which is why I for one find this suspicious. Jedi are hunted down enough as is around the galaxy. But a master? That just screams suspicion." She commented.

Neo: "Why do you say that Shi?" She asked as she then started to pat Anwir's back to burp him.

Stromvel: "Because Jedi, even padawans are known to be difficult to capture for any ordinary soldier of the Empire. Knights are an even bigger challenge. But a master? They are in a league of their own in terms of how difficult it would be to capture one, let alone kill one. I find it highly unlikely she was taken in quietly." He answered.

Sim: "(Indeed. Do we even have any reliable intel on whether this is genuine or not?)" He added.

(Y/n): "Not much, actually. All I know is that senator Organa wants us to go to the planet Lothal and help Hera Syndulla's group free Master Unduli."

Alema: "Ah, Hera. It'll be nice to work with another Twi'lek again." She spoke.

(Y/n): "Just so long as she remembers who commands what squad." He spoke back, remembering the few times she and her own rebel teams worked with them and she tried to order them around as if they were under her command, a topic he and Hera butted heads over a few times.

Quite literally one time, when she tried pushing her authority over them too far after disregarding her orders and he headbutted her so hard he broke her nose and he took command of the operation they were doing, resulting in greater results than what would've happened had they stuck to the original plan.

Despite their victory, he and Hera hadn't seen eye to eye ever since that incident and kept to themselves whenever in the same room with each other, only acting professionally when forced to work together since then.

Alema: "Relax boss, I'm sure she'll be cooperative." She spoke.

Stromvel: "Indeed, I believe the broken nose you gave her that one time certainly cleared up on how far her authority goes." He chuckled, resulting in Neo looking at him oddly.

Neo: "Do I even want to know?" She asked as she finally got Anwir to burp and turned him over so she could tickle his stomach, getting some giggles out of him.

Gory: "(Probably not for the best.)" He said as he finally spoke during the whole conversation.

(Y/n): "Well guys, as much as Hera and I don't see each other eye to eye, (or nose to nose for that matter), we still need to help her in whatever plan her team has planned. So, get everything you need and prepare for a trip to the planet Lothal." He announced.

As everyone got up to prepare their own tools, (Y/n) and Neo took their son into their own room and set him down on their bed to spend more quality time with him.

Neo: "So who are we going to leave him with now?" She asked. As much as she would defend her son, that didn't mean she wanted to risk his life and take him with them into combat zones.

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