Chapter 18

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Planet Lok, Nym's Stronghold

Coming up to the surprisingly well-kept hangar bay that the pirates of Lok had, the Stargazer landed on its descent legs and powered down its systems. The occupants of the ship then made their way to the loading ramp, but not before (Y/n) gave some last-minute advice.

(Y/n): "Oh, and Roman? Don't make any comments about any alien features these pirates might have. Don't comment on antenna, tentacles, claws, nothing of the sort with these guys. Alright?" He warned.

Roman: "Relax kid! I'm nothing if not charming. No animal comments from this guy, solid oath." He dramatically said.

Shieeva: "Good, because if you run that mouth of yours, you might end up being fed to Nym's Nexu tiger like some others that made the mistake of calling him 'squid face' directly in front of him." She added bluntly.

Roman: "Don't know what that is, but that's good motivational joking right there, my reptilian friend, Hehe..." Nobody laughed along with him. "... she's joking, right?"

Neo: "Seriously Roman, no bravado, no charm, no nothing. Just business professionalism in this matter." She urged.

Deciding to take that into account more seriously, Roman cleared his throat and straightened himself up as if he was a businessman going to an important meeting. And in a way, he kind of was.

As the loading ramp descended, some dust flew in the air from the atmosphere of the planet, before they then walked down into the hangar and were met the pirate way.

Meaning they were greeted by a band of pirates with weapons at the ready in case of anything funny.

Some of them were the same species of (Y/n)'s late Jedi master Koro-Ul Goom, Weequays. Others were a more buff, reptilian humanoid species that almost ranged in Gory's height, with facial horns and spikes arranged around their coarse skin around their faces. These were members of the Nikto species, a race that was mostly tricked into eternal servitude to the Hutts many years ago.

Each pirate was armed with a patched-up, yet dangerous looking blaster rifle, primed and ready to fire if need be.

Alema: "You guys expecting someone else?" She asked.

Weequay guard: "Just making sure no surprises come up. You specific rebels are known to make the Empire drop their wine drinks just so they can send an armada of Star Destroyers to even have a small chance of blowing your little death-loving squad to hell." One of the guards said in a gruff voice.

Stromvel: "Ha! And that's the way we like it. We just have business to discuss with your boss, is all."

Nikto: "Yeah, well you're gonna have to give your weapons. No exceptions for anyone in Nym's stronghold." One of them said in a deeper, more growly voice than the Weequay.

Shi: "Not. Going. To happen." She said crossly as she was very possessive of her rifle. Making the guards tense up from her tone of voice.

Roman: "Now, now, let's not get over excited here." He offered as he got between the two groups. "I'm sure we can come to some arrangement here, right?"

Weequay: "Yeah? And who are you supposed to be, candlestick? Their new sponsor?"

Roman: "Actually, I'm here because they want Nym to help me get set up with my own pirate gang." He answered with a bit of a smirk.

This made the pirates stare at him for a bit before looking at each other.

Then they let out a good laugh.

Nikto 1: "Seriously? This guy? They want the boss to help this guy be a pirate?" He laughed.

Nikto 2: "I guess the rebels are running out of decent fighters, so they get more desperate! He looks more like a merchant than a possible pirate!" He laughed back, making Roman annoyed by this.

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