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A/N: ok this chapter was so highly requested and that's pretty amazing.  Thanks soo much to Icefly, nannaof4, and xpalaforxdraco for encouraging me to update! I'm also prety close to 2k reads so that's pretty cool to!

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.


" Mum! Look it's my Hogwarts letter!" screamed Ansel as he dashed to Hermione, shoving it in her face.  Ansel was now 11, and no one had heard anything from Draco in 6 years.  They still owned the house Draco bought for her, and she had kept it. 

" Well that means we have to get your supplies!" she screamed happily back, grinning.

" What house do you reckon i'll be in mum? Gryfinndor? or er- what was dad in?"

Hermione sighed. " Slytherin" she said flatly. " Lets go Ansel"  Ansel looked alot like Draco.  Same short bleach colored hair, gray eyes with a tint of brown, but Hermione's ears, nose and brains.  He loved books but he misbehaved at times. 


As they were in Diagon Alley, Hermione and Ansel went in the quiditch ( did i spell that right?) shop.  Ansel had aways said how much he wanted to play, but Hermione worried.  Around the corner stood Draco Malfoy.  He browsed around, remembering memories from his childhood.   He turned a corner, and it was like looking in a mirror, only the child was much shorter.

Ansel's eyes widened as he looked at Draco.  " Mum!" Ansel shouted not moving.  He didn't know this was his father definitly, but he did have a sneaking suspicion.  After all he did have his mother's brains.  Hermione ran around the corner, her hair becoming a mess.

" What is it darli-" Hermione stopped dead in her tracks.

" Draco?" Hermione asked as tears formed.

" Hermione.  It's you. "  Draco said as he moved closer. Hermione backed away as Ansel stood in front of her.

" Who do you think you are mate?" Ansel practically screamed.  There were only a few wizards in the shop, but no one looked their way.

" Ansel? I'm your father" Draco replied.

" BACK AWAY FROM MY MOTHER" Ansel screamed, glaring at Draco.  Hermione tried to stop him, but he pushed her away.

" OI, YOU LEFT US AND YOU COME BACK AND EXPECT EVERYTHING TO BE ALRIGHT? WELL IT'S NOT. YOU LEFT HER AND ME. BOTH OF US AND YOU NEVER DID ANYTHING. NOT ONCE" Ansel screamed, turning on his heel and walking out of the store.  He wasn't sure WHERE he was going, but far away from his father.

" Hermione, i'm sorry"

" About what Draco? Huh? You left Ansel with me when he was 5! Just left me on the train and i NEVER, not once, heard from you and it broke my heart. "

Draco began, " Hermione I wanted to come back but after I walked out of the compartment, that was IT.  I couldn't waltz right back and say I was kidding or sorry!   It hurt me to!"

" Drac- Malfoy.  Malfoy, you can't expect to just come in our lives again.

" Hermione I love you... don't you love me?"

Hermione rubbed the back of her neck.

" I'm seeing someone else now"

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