Labor Pains

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A/N: Hey i'm so happy this fanfic has over 200 views!!! I have a bad headache so hopefully I can write :(

Hermione and Draco walked side by side to Mcgonagall's class.  More than friends? Perhaps.  Eventually they took they're seats and looked forward.

" Good Evening " She said " As you may know you will feel aches, pains and bloated.  It's all quite natural " Mcgonagall said as she gestured to girls and others.  " Some girls will give birth over the next few days, some may take a week or so"

The girls looked around.  Giving birth wasn't something Hermione had on her bucket list.  She sighed and left, as she was walking back to the common room Ron came up to her.  She raised her eyebrows

" Hermione, look..."

" Ron i cant, no matter how many times you say it.  Maybe in the future it will change but me and Draco -"

" DRACO?" He bellowed " Oh so you call him ' Draco' now? Bloody Hell hermione he's a death eater and he's cunning and sick how can you stand there and take his side?"

" Ron he has changed" she tried to say gently.  Ron shook his head

" Bloody git, Hermione he has turned you against me"

" ron look, don't talk about things you dont  understand.  You haven't seen him like i do and until you do I don't want to here anything because you don't know what your talking about.  Ginny is fine, Harry is to but why only you Ron?" She said as she spun on her heel, her back facing him and marched away with her arms to her chest

" He's killed your kind Hermione.  Muggles" Ron said.  All she could do was walk away


Hermione sat quietly on the couch reading a muggle book " If I Stay " while listening to Set Fire to the Rain by a muggle artisit, Adele.  Suddenly, she heard screams.  She practically jumped off the couch and waddled her way to the door.  Her stomach was quite big, almost 9 inches outward.  It was Cho, she was in labor.  BY the look on Ron's face he had no idea what to do.

" Umm" He stuttered.

" Ron you NEED to get her to madam promfrey ( didn't spell that right did i?) now! she's in labor." Hermione said

ALl of a sudden Draco burst out of there room, wearing pajamas since it was 10:17.

" Oh there you are Hermione " Draco said.  Ron glared at him before picking up Cho and hurrying off.  Hermione and Draco followed, ready to see Ron's son or daughter.


Cho had given birth to a baby girl and boy twins.  Hermione and Draco exchanged a look, clearly agreeing both babies at the pick of the bad genes.  The girl had red straight hair, with practically black eyes and a huge nose.  She wasn't that bad.  The boy was exactly like ron, except the hair which was dark black and curled.  Ron looked down, ok with the babies as he sat down in the green chair and stayed with Cho.

Hermione and Draco went back to the common room, practially everyone knew about Cho's birth.  Hermione hurried up, put on pajamas that hardly fit anymore and laid in her Gryfinndor decorated room.  About at 2:01 Am, Draco came in and laided next to her.  She woke up

" Not tired?" He asked her.

" with the baby kicking no" she smiled softly

" what were the twins names" He asked

" I think Leonardo for the boy and Alli for the girl" She cringed, the names didn't really go with the babies appearence but it wasn't her choice.

She kissed him hard on the lips

" I think Ansel might be here soon "

He smiled, for the first time, he didn't think his father would hear about this

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