Dazed and Confused

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A/N: I gave you guys a bit of a twist / cliffhanger last chapter and I honestly love doing it because it lets me know you guys actually like it and then you guys tell me to update ! My last chapter only got 65 views ( not complaining ) but it usually gets over 100 so... But thanks to everyone ! I am close to 5,000 reads :) I'm forever grateful

Draco saw Hermione walk away. Was it true that Hermione would rather live a life with Martin instead of Ansel and him ? He wouldn't believe it, and took Ansel out of the shrieking shack.

He sighed and went back to Hermione's apartment to figure out what he would do.


Martin laughed

" well done, Hannah " he said as he watched the effects of the poly juice potion wear off one of his old friends.

Yes, he had taken one of Hermione's hairs and brewed a poly juice potion before hand. He then had one of his old friends, Hannah, drink it and smash Draco's heart and feelings

" great performance but I really do have to get home to Hermione. One of my servants brought her there but thanks so much darling " he cooed.


Hermione sat on a bed, handcuffed to the headboard when Martin walked in.

" Well hello there, Hermione " he said as he sat in a chair across from the bed.

" where's Draco and Ansel?" She asked as she pulled at the handcuffs.

he sighed " if you insist on knowing, I had someone disguise themselves as you and crush Draco's heart and um, tell Draco you'd love living with me rather than him ! " he smiled widely like he had won a medal.

" Martin, dear " she chocked on the words " is there anything I can do so I can go back to Ansel and Draco ?"

He thought for a moment, rubbing the fact that she was with him and not Draco in her face.

"have a child with me " he decided

Hermione gasped " excuse me ?"

" yes, have a child with me. I will cast a spell that ensures that you will get pregnant. You then call up Draco and tell him you're pregnant with my child. You can then go back to that stupid oaf. Deal ? "

Hermione sighed. She loved Draco and Ansel and couldn't bear not seeing them ever again
" deal "


Draco had sent Ansel off to Hogwarts with everything he needed and stayed in Hermione's apartment. He received a call from Hermione and decided not to pick up, but she left a message.

Draco, she paused I know you must be dearly upset and this is very complicated. I will meet you at my apartment tomorrow morning. I'm sure you are already there. There is plenty to discuss but... I am pregnant with Martin's child

the message ended. Of course he didn't know the full story but he didn't need to. He was furious.

He was confused, but he left to go to the nearest place he could find to get any girl pregnant so he could rub it right back in Hermione's face the next day.

If felt good to be evil again

A/N: school is starting the 24th but I love writing and I will be updating probably every week. This may not be the most exciting chapter, but yeah. Hopefully you enjoyed and maybe click the star for this chapter ? Not sure if it's considered the ' like ' button but yeah lol

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