Back with Ron??!?

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Hermione laced up her outfit, it was booty shorts with a halter top.  Yes, she was pregnant but to celebrate this whole experiment the students had a party. She didn't normally do this but maybe Draco was there, and Ginny had wanted her to get out and experience stuff.   Dumbledore had said it was OK, and nothing could really hurt the baby.

Hermione walked down to the Ravenclaw common room, that's were it was.  She had curled her hair and applyed mascara to. 

" Opogano " She said to the portrait.  It swang open and the sight she saw.  Dozens of students, in sexy outfits dancing holding shots and drinks in their hands, some snogging, some chatting and some just eating.  Some dragging their partner to a random room and some doing magic to make confetti.  It was nice, not to extreme. 

Hermione met Ron's eyes as he walked over

" Mione, " he said obviously a bit wasted, but not completely drunk.  He handed her a shot, little did she know how aroused it made her.

" I want you back " he said as he grabbed her waist.  Her mind shouted NO! I'm with Draco and he's my partner, and you left me for Lavender.

Instead she moaned as she took his hand and dragged him to a room.  She layed on the bed as Ron stripped her, and himself

NO! Hermione's mind screamed THIS IS WRONG! But the Fire Whisky didn't care.


Ron sucked her boobs and Hermione arched her back moaning. 

NO! Hermione's mind said over and over again, THIS CANT HAPPEN NOO!

He positioned himself at her entrance and slowly entered her.

" you like that? yeah " Ron's attempt to " talk dirty "

" oh ronnnnnnnnn" Hermione moaned, but she didn't want to!

Eventually ater it was done Hermione didn't feel so good and collapsed on the floor after Ron had left

A/N Sorry if i kinda changed it a bit but i read a fanfic and it had a scene kin of like this and  really loved it! I changed it a bit tho so please recommend this to people, and if it was to detailed in the Ron+ Hermione scene let me know please!

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