Blank Spaces

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A/N i know it's been 22 days since i wrote and that's because i got my phone taken away... yay. Anyway enjoy :)

Hermione sighed as she wrote in her journal.  It was keeping tracks such as kicks and photos of the baby at the ultra sounds.  Ansel had been declared healthy, which was good news for Draco and Hermione.  Hermione had gotten used to sleeping in Draco's bed, wearing his over-sized clothes and just talking to him like a fellow friend.  He had been getting a bit distance lately, and that worried Hermione to the CORE!  Hermione felt as if they really belonged together, after all they were going to have a "baby" together.  If he was cheating on her... boy don't go there.  Tonight she would find out!!!


Hermione left their dorm wearing Harry's invisiblity cloak she had stolen- I mean borrowed.  Draco said he was going to the lake to sort out his thoughts earlier that evening.  He did often do that, and normally he was just by himself.  But this time she had a hypothesis someone was him.  She snuck close enough to see Draco... and Lavender. 

" But Dracooooo" she heard Lavender whine " Hermione is ALL wrong and she's... a mudblood isn't she" she continued.  Hermione watched in disbelief as her ex friend trashed her in front of her partner.  Draco wasn't going to agree! Certainly he wasn't!

" Well..." Draco replied.  Well then, thought Hermione rolling her eyes.  She wasn't going to cry - after all it was Draco's loss.

" Well WHAT?" Hermione said as she stepped out from behind the oak tree she was hiding behind.  Draco jumped.  Lavender smirked.

"  You know Draco i thought having a kid together actually MEANT something.  And for you" she turned toward Lavender

" Stupify" Hermione shoutout as she watched Lavender fly back.  Whores...

Hermione marched back to the dorm, not completely upset with what happened and she had no idea why.

" Hermione I can explain" Draco started

" OK, explain then.. explain" Hermione said back.  Draco ran ahand through his almost bleached hair.

" Well i was worried I wasn't going to be a good father, like my father. Then Lavender came up to me saying how she would give me tips and we met once this past week and then today she started trashing you and I wanted to tell you and i was feeling SO guilty" Draco breathed. " I'm sorry Hermione, I really am"

Hermione leaned in, kissing him square on the lips, tilting her head and running her hands in his hair

Hermione screamed.

" What's wrong?!" Draco screamed back.  He looked down and a pile of water had appeared under Hermione's entrance.

" Ansel's here!" she cried full of content and disbelief.  He carried over to the hospital wing.

A father... and a damn good one he was going to be

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