Parential Guidence

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A/N: Wow, 500+ views and i'm super happy but on with the next chapter!

Hermione screamed.  Loud.  The pain was unbearable as Draco carried her to the hospital wing.  Students murmured

" Malfoy's Baby" and " Slytherin Heir " but Hermione ignored it as she tryed to focus on something positive.  Draco turned the corner and hurried to Madam Promfrey.

" She's... giving.... birth" Draco panted as he dropped Hermione on the bed.

" Ok Ms. Granger, i'm going to need you to push" Madam Promfrey said as she prepared the equippment for the procedure.

Hermione pushed. " I cant!" she screamed as the sweat appeared on her forehead.

She squeezed Draco's hand and screamed again.

" I see a head Ms. Granger." Madam Promfrey said " I need you to push harder!"

Hermione squeezed Draco's hand so hard it turned blue.

" Hermione we NEED you to push" Draco said softly.

Hermione pushed, and finally Ansel was in an incubator, being cleaned up


Draco watched Hermione sleep, Ansel in her arms sleeping to.  He picked up Ansel's fingers and touched each one.  He smiled.  To his left was Ginny Weasley and Harry.  He didn't have a rivalry with Harry but they were fellow students.  Harry's baby girl was beautiful, it was that much true but Ansel was special. 

" Hey there" Hermione yawned

( A/N: In a few more chapters this fanfiction will have a twist so it may be boring now but!)

" Ansel's beautiful Draco.  You did it" Hermione said

" No. WE did it" he smiled as he looked at Ansel.

An owl swooped in as it gave a letter to Hermione, it read:

Dear Mr Malfoy and Ms Granger,

In a week, your beautiful baby boy will automatically develop into a toddler, about 3-4 years old.  So will all the other babies. 

Good Luck,


Another letter appeared from Ginny, who was back in her dorm with Harry


All the students have gone to gather at Padma and Pavarti's house in a week for a party to celebrate our babies and pregnancy.  Please join? - Ginny.

Hermine and Draco were going,

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