Of Rapists and Whiskey

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A/N: I know the title for the chapter might be a bit confusing but you'll see :)

- A Week Later -

Hermione squirmed in Malfoy's bed.  She was in the middle. To her right was Draco sleeping soundlessly and to her left was Ansel.  Ansel was, of course, a spitting image of Draco.  Same bleached hair, except with Hermione's brown eyes.  Ansel was a toddler now, according to the note he was about 3.  Almost talking, but not quite.

Hermione boltted upright.  Padma and Pavarti's party! It was in a couple of hours at her mothers house.  Padma and Pavarti were half bloods, ( I think... ) and their mother was out of town at the Galapagos Islands in Equador, who was a muggle and happily lent the twins her house for the evening.  According to Ginny, almost all the Gryfinndors plus their partners and more would be there.  Not a hard core Project X kinda party, but more of a play with the toddlers, talk for the afternoon. But then the students would get to drink and Hermione volenteered to watch the toddlers after that who would be sleeping.

She quickly got ready in some " normal clothes " and woke Draco and Ansel up.  With the baby project, there wasn't many classes so most time was just to practice parenting.  Which was fine with most of the students anyway. 

" Draco" Hermione whispered as poked his chest with two fingers.  Draco swatted her away " Look SLeeping Beauty, it's 12:30 and we have to get to that party"


The evening was well. Almost half the seventh years were there! It was getting about 8ish, so Hermione volenteered to take all the sleeping children and put them in the twins room, which was huge in general to begin with.  Draco and all the other students were downstairs drinking.  Hermione turned to go back down the stairs to join the students when a huge bulky figure pinned her to the ground.

" Let me GO!" Hermione shouted as she threw her head back, trying to escape.  Whoever it was, they were quite strong.

" NO.  Not until i get what I deserve" Hermione knew that voice.  Ron.

" Ron?!" Hermione  whispered.  She had seen him here but she thought he was over her.  They both whispered.  Somewhat because of the toddlers and somewhat because of the students downstairs.

" Hermione, Hermione " Ron cooed as he undressed both.  Hermione shiverred.  Not only were they in a chilly part of the house, but because they were in a freaking hallway in plain sight.

" Now Hermione, your going to be quiet as I rape you, and you won't tell anyone or else something happens to the arse and Ansel"

Ron pushed himself in her as Hermione lay there limp, tears rolling on her cheeks.  He climaxed, thanked her for no reason and went into a room.  Probably to screw another girl, maybe Lavender?  Hermione got herself dressed quickly and fixed her hair.  She went downstairs and didn't tell anyone.  Maybe she would later but not now.


Draco sighed.  He was meeting a girl at the bar tomorrow and if Hermione found out...

A/N: Just wanted to wish you all a Happy Holliday!!!!!

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