Dumbledore's Message

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I typed this on the computer but it didn't let me post so idk! Bear with me for chapter 3 after this.

Hermione sat at the Gryfinndor table at the great hall and stared into space. What has Lavender Brown have that I haven't got?!

She thought... Well she does have Ron. Ron Ron Ron Ron Ron. Hermione didn't know what to do at this point.

" Attention students, welcome to Hogwarts as you know all students are forbidden to go to the third floor, you can take an extra potions class this year and seventh years stay with me after the sorting.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh extra potions classes. Hermione smiled,

But what if I'm in trouble! Oh no maybe it's because I missed that one question in charms! God I'm so stupid! I- then the sorting hat went on and she watched countless HufflePuff's and Ravenclaw's and Slytherins and Gryfinndors get sorted. After everyone left Dumbledore began

" well, as you all know your getting quite older and ready to hold a job, and graduation"

" where do you reckon this is going? " Dean asked Seamus

Seamus didn't reply, only kept listening

" soon you will be ready to raise a family, and we want you prepared" Dumbledore smiled

" The Ministry of Magic has also requested this, you will take a test, and no not one with knowledge, a personality test " Dumbledore concluded while looking at Hermione

" then we will match you up with someone who has the same results, you eventually shag, yes with protection" Dumbledore sighed

" Because that's natural, then you go to Madam Promfrey who will cast a spell on the girl to have a baby in the stomach. Though, the baby is not real, it will act and look exactly like a real baby, so this will prepare you.

Murmurs began

Hermione didn't know if she wanted to be paired to Ron...


After Hermione finished the test she sighed and hoped it would be someone nice- Maybe a Ravenclaw's but certainly not that git Malfoy...

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