Got To Love You

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A/N: I've had a bit of writers block and nearly written this over 5 times so.... yeah, enjoy!!!

Draco loved Hermione.  He loved everything about her, the way she talked, the way she acted and the way she held herself.  Sure she was a Gryfinndor but come on, get real.  Draco worried, and Draco almost never worries about anything.  He loved Hermione and Hermione loved him but... what about AFTER the project?

Would they part seperate ways or would they stay together?  He needed a way to see if he REALLY loved Hermione, or if it was just a phase.  Draco's gut told him he loved her to the stars and moons but there was one way to be sure.  He was meeting a girl at the local muggle bar.

Hannah Abbott.  Hannah was the same year as them, a Hufflepuff and also in the baby project. The only reason Hannah was willing to meet Draco is because she hated her partner.  Vincent Crabbe.  Draco saw Hannah in the last booth, by the back fixing her hair.  Draco didn't like her. He wanted to meet her, flirt, maybe kiss and SEE if it affected the way he felt about Hermione. ( Sorry if it's confusing! )

" Hello Hannah " Draco said as he sat across from her.

" Draco" She cooed, obviously trying to flirt as she twisted a strand of her blond hair around her pointer finger.  " Why don't we go somewhere... private?" she said.

This is just an experiment! thought Draco I love Hermione and i'm just seeing if I leave her if i'll still love her Draco reminded himself.  Draco followed Hannah into the back, a closet.  Draco noticed that Hannah was a very... thirsty person.  She must be if she had Crabbe as a partner.  She leaned in and kissed him on the mouth. 

It was... different.

They continued for a bit when it got a bit rougher. 

" Hermione" Draco moaned against the kiss with his eyes closed.  As he stopped he opened his eyes to find Hannah, not Hermione.  Of course Hannah was furious, grabbing her things, fixing her hair and slapping him but at least Draco knew he loved Hermione


Hermione spooned yellowish, orangish mush into Ansel's mouth.  He was getting quite big.  Ginny came into Hermione's house.  Yes they were at Hermione's parents house, who were gone.  Jeez, all the parents were gone.

" Hey... Gin?" Hermione whispered.

" Yeah?"

" Um... I don't know how your going to react to this but remember the party at the twins house?"

" Yeah..." Ginnt replied getting a little nervous herself.

"Well, Ronkindarapedmeintheupstairshallway" Hermione spat out, red in the face.

" What?" Ginny laughed

" Ron... raped me in the upstairs hallway at the party..." Hermione put her arms around herself almost shivering at the memory.

Ginny stared into blankness " I'm SO hexing that bastard "


Dear Mr Malfoy and Ms Granger,

In less than a week, your " toddlers " will be taken back.  As heartbreaking as this might be, you can look forward to proposals, weddings and honeymoons.


Albus Dumbledore - Hogwarts Headmaster

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