Partially Forgiven

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A/N: Thanks so much for over 2k views.  Also thanks to TaylaRichardson, isabella8684, and again Icefly for encouraging me to update sooner!

Hermione sat on her bed with her legs crossed.  She had to tell her boyfriend, Martin, that she had talked to Draco.  She hoped with all her heart that he would be calm about it. 

Martin walked out of the bathroom door.

"Martin... " Hermione started.  He raised his eyebrows and sat next to her.  Martin knew much about the wizarding world, after all he was a squib.  ( A squib is a person born into a magical family, but cannot produce magic )

" I took Ansel to Diagon Alley this morning, and we ran into...his father" she said quickly, her eyes wide as she waited for his reply. 

" How did Ansel react?" he said, not making a move.

" Well he got mad, and shouted and made a big commotion about leaving us" Hermione bit her lip.

Martin laughed.  Was he upset about Draco being in their lives again?

" Hermione, I don't really care" Martin said as stodd up from the bed.

" Not like that" he started again " I know that git Malfoy will never replace me, it's not like you and him are ever getting back together" he snorted " Ansel doesn't like him either, he's no threat to our family".

Hermione laughed uneasily and tensed up.  Martin was boasting a bit.  He ran a hand through his hazel colored hair.

" Hermione, I want to invite him for dinner" he said as he walked to the other side of their bedroom, getting a clean white t-shit.  Hermione raised her eyebrows.  What was Martin's obsession with Draco as soon as she mentioned him?

" I want to invite him so we can make him look bad.  You don't like him, I don't like him and we can make Ansel see the bad side of him, like the things he did at Hogwarts, and being a death eater.  Trust me, Ansel will love me, not Draco"

Hermione sat awkwardly.  Was Martin afraid Draco would take Ansel away from him?  Ansel and Martin were cool with each other, but never had a really loving and close relationship to begin with.


Hermione had owled Draco and told him about dinner, he said he would be there by 7.  It was a few minutes to 7 as Hermione set the table, and put all the food on the table with utensils.  It was a round table.  Martin sat next to Hermione on her left, Draco would sit on her right, and Ansel would be sitting between Martin and Draco ( yay for complicated seating arrangements. )  The door rang and Hermione got it.  It was Draco, dressed in a suit.  He muttered hello and sat down next to Ansel and Hermione.  Martin, sitting across from him, gave him a dirty look.  Draco raised his eyebrows at Martin.

" What's for dinner, mum?" Ansel asked.  He was almost 12 and becoming quite the trouble maker.

" Well we have a filet mignon, with a side or roasted vegtables and potatoes." she said.

Everyone began placing food on their plates.

" Well draco, why don't you tell everybody about you being quite the trouble maker in Hogwarts?" Martin coughed. 

Draco suspected something with Martin.  Why was he bringing up Draco's past? 

" Yes, i was quite the trouble maker but also studious.  That's very important to. "

Ansel smiled and looked at Draco.  Ansel was studious, and also got into trouble.  This was his father, maybe he wasn't that bad.

Martin started to bring up Draco working for the Dark Lord when Ansel asked a billion questions, each laughing or smiling after each one.  Hermione grinned a bit as they got along, while Martin just frowned.

He couldn't take Ansel being with Draco, and laughing.  

Martin picked up Hermione's wand, and being a squib he tried to shoot a spell as he pointed the wand and shouted

" Avada Kedavra " at Draco

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