Chapter 5: Regrets and Babies

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Hermione woke up, confused, where was she? She looked around.  Green and silver.  Malfoy's room.

" Draco?" She called getting up, realizing she was wearing an oversized, old Quidditch shirt.  Draco came in, rasing his eyebrowns,  Probably asking a question such as " What?".  Draco and Hermione weren't completely friends, yes they are partners and they had kissed on but still.

" oh, um why am I in your room?" She asked sitting up.

" Well, GRANGER " Draco said that with a tone, clearly mad at something. " Last night, at the party I went to find you, turns out you were upstairs doing some ' activity ' with Ron" He plastered a fake smile on. " Anyway, Mcgonagall wants all of us in the potions classroom, see you there. Granger "

He walked out the door.Hermione stood up, upset.  It wasn't her fault, it was Ron's.  She quickly got up and got ready, walking towards the potions class.

" Hermione?" Ron asked, also on his way to potions class.

" don't you ever come close to me again or i will kill you i swear!" She screamed " You have ruined every connection I have had with Draco and just ruined EVERYTHING!" She said as she stomped over to the potions room.

She sat down next to Draco who looked straight at Mcgonagall. And Ron, who sat down next to his partner, Cho Chang and made an attempt at flirting,  He had raped her, she wasn't sure what you could call it but it had happened under alcohol, and against her will.  Whatever, it was against the past, gone GOODBYE.

" Ladies and Gentleman" Mcgonagall called

" As you know, we are changing the way you get the baby, you will brew a simple potion with both your hairs, the ladies will drink it and in about a month you will be ready to have a baby, in about a few days you will find out the gender so you can pick out names.  It's your choice if you want to be more than partners. Good day, today you have he day off" she said and left the classroom.

Hermione's heart skipped a beat, but could she possibly be pregnant with Ron's child.  She hurried back to her and Draco's Common room and took out a test, she waited and looked... Jesus....

A/N Hi Guys! I'm guessing that little Romione episode last chapter , you guys didn't really like it cause it got only 6 views... and a regular chapter normally gets somewhere between 20-40 views but thanks!

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