End of The Line

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"Ahh, Ryan...RYAN!" Ben screams in terror. I try to pull him up but my anchor is giving way. I lay on my stomach and fix my grip. I get in a couching position and pull with all my strength. "Haaaahhhh." I pull him up into the cart but the axe gives way and we both fall down onto the jungle. "BEN!" "RYAN!" The others call out in futile. I slam the axe into the edge of the train as I hold on. I see Ben fall into the darkness. No. "Ryan, hold on!" I hear Yaz scream out to me, coming to the edge. "Grab my hand!" She says as she holds out her hand. I reach to grab but out of the corner of my eye, I see a branch coming. I look at Yaz with a remorseful gaze. I let go of the axe. "NO! RYAN!"

I miss the branch by the edge of my teeth and slam into large ferns that bring me into the darkness of the jungle and.....hard ground.

"Why do I have to go?" I ask my mum who is on a FaceTime call with me. "You know why." I turn my eyes downcast. "I'm scared." I say unafraid to admit my fear. "I know.....is it the idea of the camp or the nightmares?" My mother, Kate Johnson, asks. "Both." "Ryan, you are a strong, capable and brave young man, you will accomplish great things, I know that you can do this." I nod at her praise. "I know that what happened has left you scarred, I see your pain in your eyes every day. I hate seeing you like that.....you are scared because you feel lost. You are not lost, Ryan. Your father will always be with you. Always."

I begin to wake up. Ugh, that hurt. I sit up and glance at my surroundings. I'm lost. I stand up and look at the monorail track above me. I remembered that the train changed tracks meaning that everyone else was heading back to the park. I had two choices in front of me. Abandon them and run to the dock. Or find my way back to them. I'm lost. Broken. Alone. I was in a place that many people don't see. I feel like a part of me is missing. Ever since my dad.....passed, I feel empty, like nothing has meaning anymore , I dove into my training to forget the pain but the nightmares kept coming. I was alone. But then came everyone else. Darius, the nerd that made me happy. Brooklynn, the girl that made me appreciate small ironies. Ben, the guy that made me feel like a brother. Sammy, the girl that gave me acceptance. Kenji, the guy who made me laugh. Yasmina.....the girl who gave me peace. I needed them as much as they needed me. They looked to me to protect them, to make sure that they see their families again. I would lay down my life for them. All of them. I straighten my back and clench my fist. I am not abandoning anyone on this godforsaken island. I run in the direction of the main park. Hang on guys, I'm coming.

Running through this jungle at night sucks. Everything looks the same but at night its worst. This can't go on. They wouldn't have made it all the way back. Where would they go.....the tunnels, Kenji knows this park like the back of his hand, only problem being the Protocol locking down the park. I find a tunnel hatch, I climb down into the red lit corridors. This feels like a scene out of a horror movie. Dinosaurs would have made their ways in here. I know that the old parks tunnels had a infestation of venomous Troodons, they are still there, rarely leaving the old parks boundaries. Horrid little things, those devils. I spot a vent next to me, big enough that I'll fit. The locker next to it had a flame kit and a dart rifle, I check the ammo, five rounds, good enough. I place the flare in my pocket while hanging the rifle around my neck. I see a convenient crowbar not sitting far from the locker. I use it to pry open the vent. I begin to crawl through the tight space. If the guys are in here, I'll find them.

I hear voices, either I'm going crazy that's the others. I crawl faster through the vents towards the voice.

"After all this time your still defending the dinosaurs."

I hear Kenji say. After all this time, they are still arguing. I come to a vent and look out to see the group as a dinosaur walks out into the light. Toro. This Carnotaur is fucking persistent. As he charges past, I break through the vent crate. I run after Toro as he falls turning the corner. I check the tranq rifle making sure everything is in order. I round the corner see Toro with his head in the vent, snapping. Smart, the vents are the safest place to hide. I aim the rifle and fire a shot into Toros neck. He pulls back and looks at me with rage. I begins to charge but I've already fired a second shot. Toro stumbles, feeling the tranqs effects. He falls to the side as he sleeps. Soon enough, everyone crawls out of the vent looking at me with shock. Yasmina with an electric rod as a walking stick, looks at me with tears forming. I see Darius carrying the axe I used on the monorail.

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