32. strength

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I bristled in my seat, groaning as I woke up. I had to blink a few times to grasp my surroundings.

The humming of the engine told me I was still in Luca's car; I rubbed at my eyes to clear them and turned my head, to see him driving.

I glanced down, noticing that I was clothed now. The last thing I remembered was the...sex. The sex. Holy fuck, I'd never experienced anything like that. Ever. Nothing as passionate or emotional or all consuming.

I remembered the tiredness taking over me, his words before I drifted off. I had my t-shirt back over my body now and his jacket lay over me.

"Hey." His voice was gentle, a smile splitting his lips when he met my eyes, "You fell asleep."

I yawned. Just watched him because he's ridiculously attractive. Hugged my knees to my chest and let him be oblivious to how I'm admiring his facial features.

"I'm bringing you back to my place, okay?" He asked as I shut my eyes tiredly again. I nodded, not having it in me to argue. Plus, the thought of staying with him again made a smile want to play at my lips.

But my eyes slowly opened, peeking the time on the clock that told me it was 1:04am.

"Shit." I groaned, not even wanting to check my phone. I already knew mum would have blown it up with calls.

I reached down to where I'd last left it, on the ground below my feet and picked it up. I propped my knees up on the seat, pulling Luca's jacket back over my frame to snuggle into it.

I turned on my phone, the screen illuminating my face in the dark.

26 missed calls.
17 unread messages.

I ran a tired hand through my hair, fighting back the urge to just ignore them all.

"What is it?" Luca asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Pretty sure my mum's psycho now." I said back bluntly. I clicked on her messages.

Mum: Just got home. Where are you? Told you to text me if you're going out.

Mum: Aria???

Mum: Rico fucking warned me that letting you do whatever you want all the time is irresponsible. Answer my calls!

Mum: You can't just fucking do this. God! So stupid, I don't even recognise you anymore.

Mum: How am I ever supposed to trust you? I should have never trusted you, in the first place. Out with boys, I bet.

Mum: I swear if I find out you're with that Luca. It's embarrassing for you, Aria.

Mum: Just want to know you're safe, my darling. I'm worried sick.

Mum: Should never let you have so much control. You're fucking reckless.

I pinched my eyes shut after that one, trying not to show how all her messages were making my chest heavy. I scrolled past all them until the most recent one, just her ordering me to call her back.

"I don't recognise her." I mumbled, my heart heavy.

This wasn't the mum I grew up with. Rightfully, I should've told her where I was going but the mum I knew would never throw around insults, take back her trust for me in an instant. She wouldn't bring Enrico fucking Giovanni into it.

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