"Maddie! What are you doing?!"

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~ ✨Morgan's POV~

I'm still waiting for Maddie to come back with our drinks. She's been "getting drinks" for a while. I'm starting to get worried. Don't get me wrong Sarah seems like a nice girl but her brother and his friends are so annoying. I mean all they talk about are cars, dirt bikes, boats, how much time they spend working out, and how much money they have. It's so annoying, I was born into a rich family thanks to my grandfather. But you don't see me going around bragging about how much money I have and talking shit about people who don't have as much as me.

"Hey I'm gonna go see what's taking Maddie so long." I spoke over Topper who was talking about how he has the latest model of the Malibu 24-MXC. I start walking away when I feel someone's hand on my shoulder.

"No hey-wait Morgan! Let me go find Maddie." I try to tell Rafe that it's ok I could find my sister but he kept insisting so I just gave up and let him go.

I got tired of standing so I sat on a log next to Sarah and her boyfriend.

"So how are you liking Outer Banks so far?" I look over my right shoulder and see Sarah and Topper staring at me waiting for my answer.

"Y-yea it's uhm nice. I'm still kinda getting used to the fact that I now live on an island and have to take a ferry to do like every day things." I let out a breathy chuckle.

"Well I promise you it'll get better and soon you'll be madly in love with this island. It's like paradise on earth." Sarah commented with a reassuring smile.

"Yea the island is small but it's a lot of fun." Topper said leaning forward to look at me from the other side of Sarah. "Where are you from anyway?"

"My family and I are from upstate New York."

"Omg that's so cool!" Sarah said with her face showing full of excitement. Is she always this happy and preppy or is she faking it? Either way she's good at it.

"Hey Morgan if you want after we leave you and Maddie c-." Sarah was cut off by people gathering around into a circle yelling inaudible things and recording what's going on inside the circle.

The first thing that came to my mind was Maddie. She would always get herself into trouble at school so I just had a gut feeling she was in the middle of that circle.

Sarah, Topper, and I all went to join the circle to see what was going on. And of course right in the middle of Rafe and some blonde guy was Maddie.

I tried to get closer and see what was going on but those people were surprisingly strong for a bunch of teenagers. I just waited in the back until I saw the circle slowly start to disappear. I saw Maddie walk away towards where all the cars we're parked. I wanted ask what all that was about and if she was ok so I followed her.

She stopped at the car and opened the door to the Back seat. I watched her grab a hoodie from the back and start to take her shirt off. Maddie wouldn't normally take her shirt off in the open so before too much came off I stopped her.

"Maddie! What are you doing?!" I tried to hold back my laugh when I saw her almost fall backwards onto the ground while covering up her chest with the hoodie in her hands.

"Oh my god Morgan you scared the shit out of me!" Mads yelled at me while letting out a sigh of relief seeing it was just me and continued to take off her shirt and put on the hoodie.

"Someone spilled beer on me so I'm changing into this hoodie." She finished answering my question from before while pulling the red material over her head.

"Oh. Well are you ok cause you were gone for a long time. And I was starting to get worried that something had happened to you?" I watch Maddie put her shirt in the back seat and close the car door to face me with her full attention. She was about to respond to my question when i
I remembered that she left me alone with those assholes!

"But I was also pissed that you left me with those assholes!"

"I'm sorry but there were a lot of people getting drinks and then I started talking to this group of really cool guys. But then Rafe came out of nowhere and tried to pick a fight with one of them so I stopped them before things got out of hand." Maddie said that last part about Rafe with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Ok yea that makes sense and also answers my next question as to why you were in the middle of them."

"Yea. Hey you wanna come meet them? I said once I changed my shirt I would go back and hang out with them."

"Wow your actually being social and talking to people-Oh my god I'm so proud of you Maddie!"
I indulge her in a huge hug just to annoy her.

She just plainly rolls her eyes at me "Yea- yea let's go." She said pushing me off of her.

We started to walk back down to the boneyard when we heard some blonde guy yell out to Sarah

"Hey Sarah! Sarah, can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?"

Author note :
Babes I'm gonna try and figure out a schedule for when I publish new chapters and I'll let y'all know but for now I don't have one but when I figure it out it will most likely be Fridays or Saturdays


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