Chapter 36 - Royalty

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    "W-What!?!" Calvin and Ishal spluttered

"Exactly what you heard. I'm not giving you a detailed storytime." I rolled my eyes

  "How?" Ishal asked

"I found him by the cliff, loosing a lot of blood. I helped him out, I couldn't take him to a hospital nor could I let him die. I saved him and I became Queen. Unofficial ofcourse but still one." I explained

   "You saved who?" Calvin asked

"Adonis Eudora, Italian Mafia Don." I answered

  "So, the package and your sister?" Ishal asked starting to join the dots

"She was initially coming to only get the package but the attack that I intercepted. You three were not in the plan but I figured I could kill three birds with a stone. Tarun already knows... Oh my god! Tarun!" I said suddenly remembering

    I rushed to the bush to find Tarun right there, unconscious. Calvin and Ishal rushed to lift him up, they put him on the only unbroken chair we could find. First we just tried to wake him up but it didn't work. Calvin got a glass of water and dumped it on him, no response. What to do?

   "Play along." I told them

"Koala, help, I can't breathe... H-help. K-k-koala... please..." I gasped

   "Oh god, Kitty. Calm down, breathe, what happened? Kitty, talk to me... Kitty..." Ishal said frantically having caught on

"Baby, baby... Please, what happened to you?" Calvin said hysterically, playing along but still confused

   Just then Tarun moved, thank goodness. I thought I put him in a coma of sorts.

  "Kitty, kitten..." Tarun said groggily

"I'm here. I'm okay." I said soothingly

   "I dumped water on him and he wouldn't wake up. You screamed help and he woke up... How?" Calvin asked confused

"Sometimes, a person who has passed out needs a little emotional push." I shrugged

    "Come here. I need hugs." Tarun pouted

He held out his hand towards me. I took it, he pulled me onto his lap and nestled his head in my neck as he wrapped his arms around me. I gently patted his head causing his to nestle further into my neck.

  "I'm guessing I will have to get used to this as well?" Calvin scowled

"Yup." I smiled

  "Did Owly leave?" Tarun mumbled in my neck

"Yes, she's back and safe." I answered

   "Good. I'm sleepy, can we go back now?" Tarun yawned

"Come on then." I said pulling away

   I got up and pulled Tarun to his feet. We made way back to the car and drove off. We reached back at Tarun's place. He hit the sleep road as soon as his head hit the pillows... of the couch.

   Shaking my head, I made my way to the kitchen to fix us something to eat. I was removing a pan from the cabinets when someone came up behind me. I lowered my arms as he removed the plates and the pan from the cabinet.

   He placed the stuff on the countertop and caged me between his hands by placing them on either side of me at the edge of the countertop. I sighed, turning around to face my captor. I felt his breath fan my face, closing my eyes, I chose to stay still and silent, not knowing what to say.

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