Chapter 20 - Royalty

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Calvin has gone crazy. Like, seriously, he's been trying to woo me so hard.

Ok, so maybe I should explain what's happening. It's been a little more over two weeks after Calvin and I's shopping spree.

Ever since then, everyday Calvin has been giving me gifts. Like, right after that day, I walked up to my locker only to find it has become a mini flower shop. Like, there were tons of different flowers, all over my locker. Loved the smell, kept it around for a while but damn removing it was a lot of effort.

Second Day: I found makeup inside my locker, like the eyeshadow palette with over 300 shades that I wanted to buy so bad. With a note that said, "Love C."

Third Day: A new palette for painting. I loved it, it made my work a lot more easier that day. Considering, I had art class and I forgot my palette at home.

Fourth Day: Makeup brushes. So soft. Loved them a lot.

Fifth Day: A CD with a track was taped to my locker. It had various songs remixed for me to dance on. Still haven't choreographed every song on it.

Sixth Day: A couple boxes of Cadbury's Chocolate Roses. I couldn't stop squealing for a good five minutes after that. Albeit to say, Calvin got a kiss for it.

Seventh/Eighth Day: A day at the beach. Just loved it. Calvin was extremely attentive, took care of me and damn, he was acting possessive as well. That was hot, him being possessive. He bought me a few jewelry from those stalls around the beach.

Ninth Day: I got more chocolate. Best Day! So much chocolate! Eeps!

Tenth Day: Let's just say, after that I smacked him in the back of his head and told him to stop blowing money.

What did he buy me?

Diamond earrings!

The idiot! Did he think I was stupid to think that those weren't real diamonds?

Yea, he told me that to stop me from hitting him. That just got him more smacks.

After that I received notes with really cute messages or some cheesy pick-up lines. That had me relieved.

He decided to complete his business degree at Hamilton, so he took admission here. He's been around. I see him every once in a while.

So far, we fought a couple times over stupidest of things. First was the colours to put on my Harley. I won that, after literally smacking him with the books in my hand but eh? That's fighting fair.

Next was a dress he bought me which I knew cost around $20,000. How did I know? The fool forgot to remove the tag. I didn't win that one.

What? Don't look at me like that. I did try. He just had a much better point.

He bribed me with chocolate.

Just like that we argued then made up. The cycle goes on. Life at home is just the same. Susanne is happy at the new place. I talked to her on a call, briefly.

Today is Sunday, I may or may not have sneaked out of my house and then sneaked in Tarun's house. I don't know if it's called sneaking when I literally walked through the door using a spare key.

I sneaked in Tarun's room, I sneaked into his bed beside him, cuddling him, I fell into a peaceful slumber. I felt him drape his ha.d over me and pull me close, until my head lay on his chest. Last thing I remember before I fell into a dreamless sleep, was a kiss in my hair.

No more night terrors after I fall asleep.

"What the freaking hell?" The Panda in my dream yelled

Someone is not happy in real world, I think.

"Go away. Meow." I mumbled drowsily

"We're talking about this later." The Panda said leaving

"Kitty, wake up." I felt someone shake me

"Meow wants to sleep. No wakey." I mumbled

"We are going shopping." Someone poked me

"Ok, buy me brushes and makeup." I said turning away

"We are also going to a dog shelter." Someone was still poking me

"Get me a Tibetan Mastiff, if you find one." I pulled the sheets on top of my head

"There's chocolate in kitchen." Koala said flatly

Wait? Did he say chocolate? Chocolate in the kitchen! I want them.

"Where?" I threw my sheets off me

I dashed right out of the bedroom, not caring who I shoved away. I am pretty sure, I shoved Ishal into a wall. I got to kitchen and started opening all cabinets trying to find chocolates.

There's was only one cabinet left. I tried to reach it's top shelf but couldn't. I looked around for a way to reach it when I saw Calvin. I ran to him, grabbed his ear and dragged him back.

"Ow. Ow. Ow!" Calvin yelled along the way

I left his ear and pointed at the top shelf of the cabinet.

"What?" Calvin said rubbing his ear

I looked at him expectantly while I kept pointing. He should know what I'm talking about.

"I don't speak mute, baby." Calvin scowled

Ishal entered the kitchen just then and saw me pointing and Calvin scowling. Ishal went ahead, removed my chocolates and gave them to me. I hugged Ishal before going to sit in the living room and switching through channel.

"Seriously? That's all she wanted?" Calvin grumbled as him and Ishal followed me back in the living room

Beauty and The Beast is on! Yay! I squealed loudly. A thundering sound of footsteps was heard then I saw Ishal and Calvin looking concerned while Tarun lazily came in with a bowl of cheese and caramel popcorn and a bowl of skittle and chocolate popcorn. He sat beside me offering me chocolate and skittle popcorn. I licked my lips, and started eating while watching the movie.

"She was just squealing about her all time favourite movie. It's nothing to worry about." Tarun said

"Shh. It's time for Beast to save Belle." I shushed him harshly

"You two have some explaining to do." Calvin said coldly

"Whatever, later." I said dismissing his words

I knew, I'll have to give him some sort of an explanation. There's been so much that has happened and he deserved an explanation but I just wasn't ready to talk about any of it.

I really wasn't. My night terrors, the nightmare at home that just didn't seem to end, Aaron, my sister's medical condition, Adonis and what not.

I know that sooner or later, I will have to tell Calvin about everything but is he really trustworthy enough to be told everything? Tarun told me about some bet Calvin had going, I just hope it isn't something that will end up with me heartbroken. I don't think I can take another heartbreak.

So, I pick later!

So?? Thoughts?? I wanna know hat you thought of the chapter so far!?!

I hope you like it!

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