Chapter 1- Royalty

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Four Years later...

   Today is the first day of senior year which on special request starts in June.
   Yea, I know pretty crazy right and maybe even stupid but we were like that.

We requested, pleaded and even crashed a board meeting to get this.
  Hey! It wasn't all me! Everyone was in on it. Though I was the the brain that planned it. Well, I'm pretty sure you're wondering how we did that right? It's quite easy!
               When nothing worked we threatened with summer school! Yea... Stupid to threaten that we won't study and fail on purpose thing but hey! It worked and now we're here in school in June!
   Oops! I'm pretty sure you're wondering who this crazy chic is, right? I'm Royalty Starlight but most people here in school except for the Juniors and Seniors know me as Royalty Jones.
  I'm a girl with natural hair that is white as snow and eye that are icy blue. I just got so much attention because of my hair and eyes. That doesn't mean it was always the good kind of attention.

Sometimes, it was bad and sometimes it got worse.

But that doesn't change the fact that I love my natural white hair. Like, seriously it's white! Not a single strand of even a pale blonde in it! Pure white!

  Oh my gosh, I'm rambling again! Sorry!

     So where were we? Oh, right! Crazy for being in school on June but it's how we were. It was so boring at home anyways.
   Right now, I'm making my way in my lovely school. I just love being here, especially cause it's a wonderful escape. Escape from what you might be wondering? Well, you will have to wait to find out. I'm a girl with lots of secrets. Some amazing and some downright ugly.

  "Hey Roy!!" I got tackled by one of my best friends, Liam
   "Hi Li!" I greeted with just as much enthusiasm
"What's up, folks?" Jeremy said putting his arms around my shoulder
"Excited!!" Megan answered jumping up and down

  Let me tell you this right now. Megan is girly girl of the group.

     Like, even though I'm a little girly but I'm not as bad as her. She's our little bunny. Here's a little warning though. You don't make fun of her obsession with One Direction and Taylor Swift ever or her love for all things white! 'Cause if you do then even a ticket to the other side of the country won't save you. I might consider taking a vacation to Mars, maybe even Jupiter or Neptune.

    Honestly, just find another galaxy to live in. Yea, I don't understand her obsession with that colour but eh? You're who you are in the end of the day.

        "Will you stop being a bunny, Bunny?" Zoe said looking at Megan weirdly.

You would think she would be used to it by now but apparently not.

   "But I'm so excited! We are gonna be on stage for most of the year! Our favourite place in the world. We'll be in spotlight!" Megan said screaming

     "Ok, little white Bunny, how much espresso did you drink in the morning?" I asked calmly as though asking a little kid

   "4? I don't know, maybe 6 or 7? I haven't slept last night at all so, I decided to drink a couple cups of espressos with extra sugar." Megan replied really fast and she still hasn't stopped jumping up and down.
   Wait!!! Did she say 6 or 7? With extra sugar? Aphrodite!! Not only is she high on caffeine, she's fucking sugar high as well! This girl! What am I gonna do with her? She knows she can't handle sugar or too much caffeine and she goes and drinks 7 cups of espressos that too with extra sugar. I look at her and then at Jeremy and then back at her. An idea just clicks into my head.
  "Oh, Jeremy!" I call sweetly in a sing song kind of a way

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