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      "You know, I'm gonna be leaving soon. Then, I won't have to look at your ugly face anymore. Peaceful Junior and Senior years!" Calvin said spitefully
"Yay! I'll be looking forward to the day you'll leave. I won't have to waste my time with you anymore." Royalty replied with venom lacing her voice

"I don't know how they agreed to let you be on the drama club all this time." Calvin huffed

   "Uh, because I actually got talent unlike your lazy ass. Sound like dying walrus when singing." Royalty retorted, lying
"That's so not true. I have an amazing voice. It's you who doesn't know how to sing or you won't refuse to be part of the musical numbers." Calvin said with a smirk
"It's not my fault that I don't like singing in front of everyone. Everyone has something they're uncomfortable of." Royalty said
  "Yea, right! Whatever! You must sound real bad, that's why you don't like singing in front of people." Calvin commented though he knew it wasn't true.

  He had heard her sing, once.

    She must have thought no one was around but her voice, it had been stuck in his mind since then like it's on repeat. It was angelic to hear and you could just not get enough of it. Calvin never understood why she didn't sang in public.
  "Oh, whatever! I hope you leave soon. It will be so amazing here without having to look at your face." Royalty said faking a dreamy look
"Well, it's gonna be amazing not having you around. No one to creep on me." Calvin said faking a relief sigh
  "I do not creep on you!" Royalty screeched

"Then, what's with all those looks you give me, huh? There have been so many times I've caught you staring at me like some creep. What's with it?" Calvin asked
"I never did that! You got no proof!" Royalty yelled lying through her teeth
   Calvin is a very handsome guy, one (even though she hated to admit) that she was infatuated with.

If she didn't know any better she would have said that she's fallen in love with him, but with the way he treated her over the years, they have known each other, made her hate him with passion.
She still can't deny that he had some sort of effect on her. What it was, she was yet, to find out, and it would hit her on full scale.

   Little did she know, Royalty also had the same kind of an effect on Calvin. His eyes always sought out to her person. It was like his day wasn't complete without seeing her once, speaking to her once. No, matter what ever it was, he didn't care.

He hated the girl in front of her. She was crazy and obsessed! He will not let some stupid physical attraction change his views on her. Though, he couldn't deny that he did care about her. Oh god, both of their feelings were such a mess!
"I'll be leaving in a day or two. So lucky I am. No longer you!" Calvin smirked
"I'm the luckiest one. Don't need to see your ugly ass anymore." Royalty retorted
  "Hope to never see you again, bitch." Calvin said picking up his bag and leaving
"Hope so too, Monster." Royalty called
  Their hearts breaking a little at the thought of not being able to see each other anymore but they pushed it aside. Thinking how amazing it will be to not see each other again. Calvin met one of his best friends, Tarun in his last class for the day. They did their handshake and a bro hug and sat next to each other considering they've been lab partners since the very first day of freshman year.

"You were with her, bro?" Tarun asked

    "How did you know??" Calvin inquired

  "It's a pretty simple guess. You two just can't stay without fighting with each other for even a day." Tarun answered
"Yea, I was with her. No more her from tomorrow." Calvin said wistfully
  "Can you survive??" Tarun asked
"Of course, I can! It's like a dream come true, getting away from her." Calvin huffed
"Hmm, I suppose. I'm staying back though for a while. Dad still has some things to finish here. We'll probably join you in Senior year mostly in the middle of it." Tarun said nonchalantly
"Yea, sure bro. Um..." Calvin couldn't keep himself anymore from saying something but he didn't know if Tarun would appreciate it
"What?" Tarun asked curiously
   "Take care of her for me?" Calvin asked looking everywhere but at Tarun

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