Chapter 17 - Royalty

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I think I'm going to have another panic attack. I want to get out of here. I can't stay in here.

I removed my seatbelt and tried to open the door, but wasn't able to. I'm so frantic right now. I just want to get out of here. I can't open the door. The Bastard must have locked it knowing I'll do something like this. I frantically looked around, I need a way to get out.

"Calm down already." I heard a exasperated voice

"I need to..." I started

"Get out of here, I know." Calvin cut me off

"Why aren't you letting me then?" I asked breathing heavily

"Because you need to stop running when you don't want to talk about something." Calvin sighed

"But you'll ask and I have to answer." I said looking out of the car window

"And you just have to say no if you don't want to answer and I won't ask anymore." Calvin said gently

"Really?" I asked a little hopeful

"Yea, I understand that it must be something traumatic with the way you responded. You can talk about it or not that's your wish. I'm not going to force it out of you just because I want to know what happened." Calvin said looking at me

"Thank You." I said calming down

"It's alright." Calvin shrugged

I put the seatbelt back on and sat down calmly. Well, as calm as I could be. I was still restless, slightly frantic but more calm. It's ok. I'll be fine.

"Can you tell me anything at all?" Calvin asked

"I just am not ready to talk about it yet." I answered softly

"Fair enough. I'll be right here if you ever decide to talk about it, ok?" Calvin said looking at me expectantly

"Okay." I nodded

"So, to the mall to max out my cards?" Calvin asked smiling

"Yes." I grinned

I love how easy it is to be around Calvin. That was one of the first things that made me fall for him and made me fall hard. He doesn't push me too much, let's me have a little space. Yes, we fight a lot, it's just who we are and we do end up making out after but that's... I got no idea what to call it.

Feral instinct maybe?

Ugh! So hard to say what it means when you truly don't know. We fight, we make out, we joke around and then we fight more. This was the first time I had a panic attack because of one of his sexual jokes but at least I know if I am not ready then I won't have to tell him.

We arrived at the mall, Calvin parked his car. We entered the mall. Oh, how much I love this place!

"So, where to now?" Calvin asked with his hands in pocket

I just grinned in answer. I took hold of his wrist and dragged him with me to a makeup store. Yay! Make up!

"Slow down, will ya? I missed the poles and the sliding door by just an inch." Calvin said dizzily

"Why are you dizzy? I'm pretty sure we didn't spun around." I asked tilting my head slightly

I frowned. Did we spin? No, I don't think so. Why is he dizzy then?

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." Calvin said shaking his head

"You sure?" I asked

"Yes." Calvin nodded

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