Chapter 6 - Calvin

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    I felt eyes on me... again. I looked up to see her staring at me. She immediately looked away when she saw that I had caught her staring at me. I truly do not understand her problem. She is always staring at me. Sometimes, she creeps me out to no end. Sometimes, I would find her giggling at the sight of me. It's truly very irritating and annoying. I don't know how much more of it I can take.

  Royalty has officially started to creep me out to a whole another level. I'm scared of going to the men's restroom because I'm afraid that she'll find a way to peek even there.

  That girl gives me heeby jeebies of all kinds and then some.

  "I just wish that bitch would stop staring at me. It's creepy as hell." I sighed

    "Shouldn't you already be used to it by now?" Tarun asked looking amused

"I'm glad you find amusement in my plight." I said sarcastically

  "Tarun, stop teasing him." Ishal said not bothering to look up from his phone

"You take the fun out of everything." Tarun pouted

   I rolled my eyes at him. Seriously this guy!!

Madison joined us at our table, we shared a quick peck before she sat beside me and started chatting up with Tarun. At least now he won't bother me.

  Ishal looked up and waved at someone smiling. I furrowed my brows and looked around to see who he was waving at.

Guess who it was?

Yep! It was the freaking bitch that creeps me out.

  "Seriously?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow

"What? It is you who is in denial. I don't have any problems with her." Ishal shrugged

   "Please don't tell me you guys are talking about that slutty bitch again." Madison groaned

I frowned. Royalty is a lot of things but slut is not one of them. That girl is just too innocent and pure to be one.

"Excuse me?" Ishal said bewildered

  "I don't think I heard you right. Mind repeating yourself? Cause you surely didn't call Royalty a slut, right?" Tarun said, his voice dangerously low

That's not good.

"Why are you calling her a slut?" I frowned

   "She has a new guy at her arm every week or month. Who knows how many idiots she spreads her legs for?" Madison said in 'duh' tone

"That doesn't mean that she sleeps with every single one of them." Tarun said through gritted teeth

   His fists and jaws were clenched, there was pure rage in his eyes. I hope Madison shuts up soon or she's going to need to find a whole new universe to exist in.

"Mads, she's is the most innocent girl in this school. She's not a slut." Ishal sighed

  "Yea, right!" Madison rolled her eyes

"I dare you to call her a slut again." Tarun said, his voice was so low that he sounded like a freaking exorcist

   I'm scared for Madison. She has managed to piss Tarun to Level 5.

   "I'm not afraid to say it again, she's is what she is, a slut." Madison said

Ok, either my girlfriend is possessed or plain stupid. I'm going to go with the latter.

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