Chapter 3 - Royalty

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         I was running, running like my life depended on it. I'm pretty sure you're wondering why I'm running like a dog's chasing me? Well, I am trying to beat my time on track.

   We're all currently in practice, more like conditioning. This year is going to be such a headache. I'm so gonna end up overworking.

        No, if you're wondering, I don't do track. Why? Well, it's cause it overlaps my other sports events or some showcases or championships every single fucking time.

     I skidded to a stop as I crossed the finish line, the 10th time. Yeah, I was running laps, it's pretty boring but it's important so, can't help it.

      "When does conditioning end?" Quillon whined
   "The conditioning is worse than Olympics." Jake panted

       "You would think that they would be used to it by now." Zoe said sharing a look with Jeremy

   "Apparently, not!" Jeremy added and the two burst out laughing

     Yea, I have some weird friends. I never seem to understand them and they never seem to stop to amaze me.

    In the midst of this, Liam came with Megan in tow, he had my phone with him and so did Megan. Why were both my phones ringing? As far as I knew, I was most definitely not in any kind of trouble. I hadn't done anything at all.

   "What is it, you two?" I asked trying to stay calm, but I was low-key freaking out inside.
  "Your mother is calling." Megan said

  "Koala is calling." Liam said



   Wait, Ugh!

If I don't pick up Mother's call I'll be in trouble. I held my hand out to Megan and she handed me the phone. I shot one look at Liam and he knew what to do. He answered the call and informed Koala that I'll call back later, while I answered my Mother.
  "Yes Mother." I said picking up the call

    "Where are you?" Mother asked sharply

  "I'm at school. Rehearsing and practicing, Mother." I answered

    "I see that you are learning to finally address me properly." Mother said, I can literally imagine her nodding as she said that.

She hated if I didn't address her properly or didn't add 'Mother' every single time I answered her; be it calls or in real life.
"Of course, Mother." I said in a monotone

    "Whatever, when will you be getting home?" Mother asked

   Now, that's unusual. I mean, it must seem pretty normal for a mother to ask her daughter when she'll be getting home but it's not the case with me and my mother.

     Our relationship was tense to put it mildly. It has been rocky ever since my parent's divorce. It wasn't as bad before, but that divorce, it was pretty much the last straw in our relationship. We haven't been the same ever since.
  "I am not sure, Mother. There's a lot to do and work as well. Did I do something wrong, Mother?" I answered

"What exactly is there to do?" Mother asked coldly
  "Conditioning, rehearsing the plays, dramas and musicals, singing and dancing rehearsals, rehearsals for showcases, basketball practice, figure skating practice, ice dancing rehearsals, instrumental rehearsals and work at bakery." I answered

  "Be home at time or you won't like me." Mother dearest said

   "Yes, Mother." I answered

"Alright." Mother said and hung up

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