Chapter 19 - Royalty

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    It's a week before my 13th birthday. Honestly, with everything I went through at home, I just don't feel like celebrating anything at all... It just didn't make sense to.


Shouldn't it be the place you feel the safest, cause I don't. If anything it's a nightmare.

  You know how growing up, you listen to fairytales and hope to find your prince charming, you're one true love, well, that's not the case with me.

   I grew up hearing my mother curse me out since, I was three. Obviously, at that time, I had no idea what the words she was saying - the names she was calling me - meant.

  Papa would always yell at her for calling me such things. Papa was very nice to me, he used to sing me to sleep. He had a beautiful voice.

I remember that I used to tell Papa that he was pretty and had a really sweet voice and he would tell me that he's handsome and not pretty. We would playfully argue about it, then I would pout and he would give in.

  Papa rarely ever said no anything I ever wanted. He was best father and mother in this world. He played the role of both parents in my life.

  I always wanted to be like him.

Then, a couple years later, my Papa gave me a sister. I love her dearly. Papa always told me how proud he was of me for taking care of Susanne whenever he was busy.

  Then eight months later came the divorce, I wanted to go with Papa but somehow, mother got our custody and Papa was only given visitation rights with the condition of Mother being present during his visits.

  I didn't understand how she could have gotten our custody when she was a terrible parent and there was evidence to back it up. Now, I feel like she must have either payed off the judge or spread her legs for him.

Was there anything I can do about it right now? Not really, I mean, I'm only 13 and if I go to the police then my sister and I will end up in adoption and most probably separated, I can't let that happen.

I promised Papa that I would never ever separate myself from my sister in the way that will never let me meet her again. I promised him that I will be the Mother, Father and Sister that Susanne needed. God heavens forbid, my mother was capable of being neither. No one has touched my sister, and no one will, ever harm even a pretty little hair on my sister's head.

  Once, the divorce was finalized and custody given to mother then the real thing came. She would hit me, curse me, make me do all the work. It was like I was living Cinderella's life, her life of a slave to her own family.

  But I was not going to wait for a prince to arrive, I had a plan. A plan that would not only grant me the custody of my sister but also enough money to take care of her until her college is done.

Suddenly, one day, came the heart wrenching news of Papa's death. I don't think I've ever cried so hard. Then, I just felt numb. It was like all my senses had shut down.

I didn't understand what was happening around me. I could hear people calling my name but I couldn't respond, their voice was like a faraway whisper, barely heard.

My mother hit me, hard, to get my attention but I had gone far too deep in shock.

  I felt like a hollow shell, one that had purpose in life. I spent the next few weeks in depression. I attended Papa's funeral along with Susanne. She barely knew what was happening, all she knew was it was not a happy event.

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