Chapter 31 - Calvin

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   "Mam, please leave. You're not welcome here." An employee of mine said

"Excuse me? What did you just tell me?" Royalty said with a raised brow

  "I told you to leave, mam." Blondie said

"Who do think you are? I am here with your boss, you should know just by it, that I'm someone who's either a friend, client or maybe someone related to him. The heights of incompetence." Royalty grumbled the last part

  I hope I never get on her bad side, she's starting to scare me.

"Kitty, calm down. She couldn't have known you were someone special to me." I explained

  Maybe, I should have just shut my mouth. She gave me a sharp look that made me forget what I was going to say.

  "It's your fault for hiring such incompetent employees. You should be careful with who you hire in your company." Royalty huffed

"Alright, let's get to the issue at hand." I said trying to change her attention elsewhere

  "Fine but don't even for a moment think that I forgot about this." Royalty said

  She marched ahead into the office building like she owned it. Not needing to be told where to go, Royalty marched straight up to the private elevator, she went in the moment it opened and didn't bother to wait for me to even get in before closing the doors of it.

  Yea, she left me down here while she was going god knows where in MY private elevator. I had to wait for the other elevator to come down then go up to my floor.

   I went in my office to find her already seated in my chair, typing away stuff in my laptop and wearing a pair of headphones.

  "Finally, you're here! I thought you lost your way." Royalty said not lifting her eyes from the screen

"How did you...? Nevermind." I said shaking my head

  I knew better than to ask her how she found her way around my office building or how she logged into my laptop without being told the password.

  "It's easy to navigate around this place and my birthday isn't a really hard password to guess." Royalty answered my doubts

   "You expected your birthday to be my password?" I asked

"Nah, I just typed it in on random." She answered casually

  Why do I have a feeling there's more to this?

   Royalty frowned while looking at the screen, she typed something and her frown deepened. She removed the headphones. She was looking so serious, it was really cute. She got her phone and called someone.

  "I sent you something... Uh huh... He's the... Yup... Well, you better reach fast... Do expect me to let him live?" She hung up

  That's pretty much all that happened. I didn't understand a word but one thing, she was furious and today someone was going to die for real.

  Royalty got up so quickly that the chair fell. She walked fast to somewhere. When we reached, I looked around to find HR department? Why did she come here? Suddenly I heard a lot of commotion coming from the department and the sound of something breaking rang through the office.

  I rushed in to find that Royalty had Eric one of the HR guys in her grasp, she was beating the crap out of him and yelling at him. I didn't understand a word she was saying cause, let's say it's hard to understand a multilingual girl when she's mad.

  When she threw him across the room is when I got out of my fantasy of my lovely girl. Damn, she's a badass.

  Everyone in the office was trying to stop her but I knew better than that.

  "Stop! Don't go close to them." I yelled

  Everyone stood aside. I was going to go between the two when she literally threw Eric at me. I ducked out of the way, missing him by inches. He landed in some guy's hands, who I've never seen before.

  "Thanks, Queen. Ad will take care of this piece of shit from here." The guy said

  I looked back just in time to see Royalty nod before the guy dragged a half unconscious and rather beaten up Eric by his collar. I was going to go stop him when Royalty caught hold of my wrist not letting me go further.

  "I wouldn't do that if I was you. Eric is not some regular employee of yours, he's dangerous. He wouldn't let you go if you went after him to stop him from taking Eric, they've been searching for him for a while now, me included. Don't poke your nose into stuff you have no idea about." Royalty said seriously

  She looked just perfect, no sweat, not even a hair out of place. It just seemed like she must have been walking around the mall for mostly five minutes now not beaten up a guy to death.

  "Why did you..?" I tried to ask

"You don't know what you are dealing with. Eric would have destroyed you, even though you should have done a thorough check, but still he is good at what he does." Royalty said with a mysterious air around her

   Yea, I've noticed that a lot of times. She always says stuff but not everything, just enough to leave you wondering. Just enough but it never is.

  She strutted out of the office area and went into my office. I followed, naturally. She went ahead to sprawl out on my couch and fall asleep. She was out like a light... Her snores were the cutest, they sounded like tiny mewls. I sat by her head, occasionally playing with her hair.
   "Calvin, please don't break me." She mumbled

"I won't, never again." I said

   I took her hand in mine and kissed the back of it. She relaxed into me slightly, moving around until her head was in my lap. She moved her head a little to let me know that I wasn't allowed to stop. I started playing with her hair again, humming softly.

   In truth, I felt terrible. I didn't know what to do in order to get her to trust me again. She is one of the strongest yet the most vulnerable girl I've ever met. This was the second time I broke her, I felt as though I shouldn't be alive when I saw those tears leave her eyes. I wanted the universe to kill me, in the most painful way possible.

  One thing, I do know now is that I never ever want to break this beautiful girl, all I want is for her to love and trust me and I'll do anything for it to happen. Wait... however long it may take.

So?? Thoughts?? I wanna know hat you thought of the chapter so far!?!

I hope you like it!

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Hated LoverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora