Chapter 30 - Calvin

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     My cheeks throbbed so bad. This girl has quite a hand. It freaking hurts like hell.

  "Why d-did you j-just s-s-slap me?" I stammered

"It was long overdue. Just like this one." Royalty nodded

  She raised her hand again but I caught it before her hand can hit me. She struggled to free her hand. I looked at her with a raised brow.

   "Let my hand go." Royalty said still struggling

"So, you can hit me again?" I asked sarcastically

  "Yes." Royalty nodded

My jaw dropped. I stared at her with my mouth open, blinking. Royalty used her other hand and closed my mouth, removing me from my shocked stupor. I shook my head. This girl is something else.

  "I'll let your hand go, if you don't slap me." I said

"Phooey but ok." Royalty pouted

   I let her hand go and she smacked me in the back of my head. I stared at her. Is she fucking serious?

"You didn't say anything about smacking or whacking you." Royalty said innocently, batting her eyes

Is this girl for real?

   "Please don't hit me in any way." I said

"Phooey." Royalty pouted

   "What do you want to do now?" I asked

"I have work to do and set up everything for Monday." Royalty sighed

   "Need help?" I said

"Oh, you don't get a choice in that matter. You are my slave after what you did to me." Royalty smirked

   Why do I have a feeling she is going to take full advantage of this situation? Oh, who am I kidding! She going to do exactly that.

  She tossed me her bag and started walking away. I slung the bag around my shoulder and followed her grumbling about how unfair this is.

     "Stop whining, you big baby." Royalty rolled her eyes

"So, I'm thinking maybe, we can go on a date tomorrow and start over, properly. What do you think?" I suggested

  "Depends on where you take me." Royalty shrugged

"Where do you wish to go?" I asked

  "That's for you to figure out." Royalty smirked

I had a feeling she was going to enjoy this immensely. Much more than she should.

  Well, there's not much I can do about it but follow her with my mouth shut. I sighed.

Throughout the day, I carried her bag and followed her around. Only leaving when she told me to fetch something for her.

  But there's something strange happening with her. I don't understand what is it but I know it is there.

  When I so much as brushed her shoulders by accident, she flinched and recoiled in pain but recovered the next instant. I frowned, but didn't press the matter. If she wanted to tell me then she would, in her time, when she was ready to.

   The entire day was like this. Whenever someone so much as touched her anywhere, she flinched but after a while, it was reduced to slight grimace that no one would notice right away. She hid her emotions pretty well. She always has.

   I was frowning the whole entire day, I knew she was in pain but how am supposed to bring it up without making her step back even more. She is already so closed off. I don't want her to create The Wall of Troy around herself, one that is impossible to breach.

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