Chapter 22 - Calvin

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So, today was the date night. It's been a few days.

Today, I have a whole day planned. I asked her to take a leave from school today. So, her Grampa called in sick for her at school. I wore a blue shirt with sleeves folded up to the elbow, top two buttons open and black slacks. I took my black blazer with me swinging it over my shoulder. What? I'm not going to wear it. It's already warm outside, this will dry me up if wore it.

I also need some answers, today might be the day I get them. I need them. I really wish to know what I'm getting into with her this time, I understand that she needs a little time but I deserve some sort of an explanation. If not about what happened in the car then at least about why I found her in my best friend's bed holding onto him like a damn Teddy Bear!

I looked at the time to find out that I was running a little late. I have to pick her up at Tarun's place.

I got my Lamborghini and left to get her from Tarun's place which is like two minutes away from mine. His house is literally right next to mine.

I rang the bell and waited. The doors opened and I was greeted by a maid, she stepped aside to let me in.

"You look fine!" I heard Tarun's voice

"I look like a mess." Royalty's sweet voice reached my ears

"Calvin is downstairs, let's go." Tarun said with an urgency

"Can't I just stay here?" Royalty whined

"He planned out a whole day for you two. Do you really want his efforts to go waste?" Tarun said

"Fine, just a few touch ups." Royalty said

Looks like I'm not the only one who was nervous.

I'm pretty sure the idiots were on stairs. I can hear them clearly. There's no way they're in any of the rooms. I heard a footsteps so, I stood up from the couch and turned to see Tarun. I was hoping for Royalty, talk about disappointment.

"I know you are disappointed to see me." Tarun mentioned dryly

"Well, I wouldn't be if you had the right tool." I said nervously rubbing the back of neck

I heard the sound of heels and soon enough, her figure appeared. She looked beautiful. She elegantly walked down the stairs and came and stood in front of me.

She looked fabulous. Just wow. She was wearing a blue turtleneck dress that hugged her snuggly, along with blue Addidas stilettos and a blue clutch in her hand. She forgo her everyday hairstyle where part of her was in twin buns while rest would flow freely instead her hip length hair was flowing freely. It looked beautiful.

I took her hand in mine and twirled her, she giggled slightly making me smile. How can one look so perfect? I don't know but this girl in front of me was beyond perfection.

"You look fabulous, just wow." I grinned

"You clean up nicely as well." She smiled

"I had a good teacher, in terms of fashion." I said

"I know, I was the best." Royalty boasted

"Cocky much?" I smirked

"I have every reason to be. Have you seen me?" Royalty said pointing at her body

"Your something else." I shook my head chuckling

"I know, I'm one of a kind." Royalty chirped

"You two get going before you start making babies here or worse, start arguing about something stupid." Tarun tried to asure us out of his house

"I'm not the one who argues, he is the one who starts it." Royalty said pointing at me

"You are one who always starts it." I tell her

"I do not." Royalty said

"You do." I countered

"Oh good lord." Tarun grumbled and sat on the couch

"I do not, you say stupid stuff and start arguing with me. I'm just the innocent girl who has to stand up for myself." Royalty said

"Innocent my ass. You're a bitch in every way." I scoffed

"Bitch is a dog. Dogs bark. Bark comes from a tree. Tree is nature. Nature is beautiful. Damn, you think I'm beautiful." Royalty said in one breath

"I didn't say anything like that, conniving bitch. Twisting my words like you always do just like you did when I pointed out an error in your work back then." I huffed

"My work is always perfect without errors unlike yours. It's filled with errors just like you." Royalty rolled her eyes

"Me? Filled with errors? Bitch, you should get your eyes checked. I'm beyond perfect." I said gesturing towards my body

"I wouldn't say so. Seeing the..." She started

"I dare you to bring Calvin Jr. in this." I said in a low voice, effectively cutting her off

"Size of your mini you." Royalty finished

"Oh, you're so getting it." I said

Before she had a chance to respond, I grabbed her, yanking her close to me, I covered her mouth with mine trapping her in a possessive, hungry and dominating kiss. She responded eagerly, wrapping her arms around my neck and tugging her my hair, making me groan.

Suddenly, the two of us were pulled away from each other, dazed. What just happened, where did Royalty go?

"What the freaking hell?" I heard a voice that was shocked

That snapped us both out of our dazed state, I looked around to see Royalty 3 feet away from me and a shocked Ishal and Tarun looking at us like we just admitted to have killed someone.

"What just happened?" Royalty asked cutely, tilting her head

I resisted the urge to just start awing. She is just too cute.

"Since when do you two start making out with each other?" Ishal asked in disbelief while Tarun gaped at us like a fish

"Since I was 12?" Royalty said but it came out as a question

"What?" Ishal said shocked with the revelation

Well, it wasn't when she was 12 when we started making out, it was more like a week before her 13th birthday.

"Just go already but you two are explaining once you get back." Tarun sighed

Royalty and I bolted out of Tarun's house before they can say anything. I'm not risking anything, Tarun's mood swings are worse than a girl on periods. The sweet sound of Royalty's giggles reach my ear as soon as I got in the driver's seat.

"Drive steady, I need to fix my lipstick that you ruined." Royalty giggled

Just like that we were laughing and talking like nothing had just happened. Yea, we fight a lot but I don't think I have anything to lose cause it usually ends with us kissing each other like there's no tomorrow.

It's something that didn't change in our relationship till now, and I hope that it won't in future. This girl is changing me in ways I never thought. I hope it's not going land me trouble.

So?? Thoughts?? I wanna know hat you thought of the chapter so far!?!

I hope you like it!

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