Chapter 7 - Calvin

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I glanced at Tarun. He was so anxious and excited about going back home. Our flight got delayed by a week due to a storm and then because of bad weather throughout the week. I don't think I have seen Tarun so frustrated before. It was fine though, it gave me more time to pack my stuff and set up a couple things.

I sighed. Going back is not something that I was looking forward to as much as Tarun. There's one part of my past there that I don't wish to be near.

No. If you're wondering, it's not Royalty. As much as I hate that girl but in all honesty, if had to say something nice about her then I would happily tell you that she is truly the sweetest person in this world. I don't even think that girl can harm a single fly. Considering, her love for animals, she certainly can't do that.

I remember this one time, a mouse had gotten in the auditorium somehow. I still wonder how that happened. Everyone was freaking out because well, first off most people there during that time of rehearsals were girls and boys didn't want that mouse to come near them.

Anyways, this mouse sneaked into the auditorium and both of us were trying to catch it. When I caught it, I was going to throw it out of the window of our auditorium which happens to be on second floor but she stopped me. She took the mouse from me, held it so carefully and gently. She gave it some cheese and kept it in a jar with a hole on it's lid for the mouse to breathe. I was surprised by that.

After rehearsals, both of us left together when we were done finishing our work. When we got out of the school building and near the grounds, she stopped, pulled the jar out, opened the lid and let the mouse go. The mouse, obviously, scurried away. I asked her about it and she told me that it's not the cute mouse's fault for ending up into auditorium, it must have searching for warmth and food, there's no need to kill it, it didn't cause any harm. I had just nodded, not knowing what to say to her.

That was in all honesty, our first ever civil conversation. When I return home, I found it oddly refreshing. We have always only ever fought or argued. We were famous in school for our arguments. They called it "Royalty and Calvin Moments."

It was extremely normal to find us arguing and throwing insults at each other, calling each other names. It was a routine of sorts. When I came to Australia, all way to the other side of the world, I thought that now, I can finally have peace, no longer yapping of that bitch.


What I felt was entirely opposite. I didn't understand why it was so. I wished to talk to her, argue with her. It was like something was missing and even when I knew what it was, I didn't want to admit it.

She was the only girl that made me feel this way after everything. I was and am still not ready to completely accept it. Let someone in. She seems to have that effect on me. I won't be surprised if I end up telling her something vital while fighting with her.

Royalty. That name brings some weird feelings along with it. It truly is refreshing. When I came here to Australia, our cycle of constant fights, arguments and calling each other names was broken. At that time, I thought that was all that was broken, refusing to see the part or basically my whole heart breaking to. It was hard at first. All I wanted to do was pick up the phone and call her, just to hear her voice, just once.

But, I knew.

That once would never be enough. Then this one time, she had texted me and then called me but my mum had the phone. She answered the call and said a lot of stuff to her. Words that should never have been meant for her. All I wanted to do was call her and apologize for my mother's words but I refrained.

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