Chapter 26 - Royalty

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     Calvin and I were sitting side by side, fearing for our lives as Ishal and Tarun held us down with a pointed glare.

   I'm scared for my life. The intensity that Tarun and Ishal's glares held made me wish that I could become one with the couch. I gulped as my eyes wearily danced between the two.

   I really didn't think I would be here spilling my secrets today. Why did this have to happen?

   "Explain yourselves." Tarun said sternly

  Tarun was the one scaring me the most. One minute his arms were crossed and he was tapping his left foot impatiently, while he held us down with a pointed glare and the next he was pacing back and forth, frustratedly running his hand over his face and through his hair.

One moment, he looked like he would kill us if we didn't start talking and the next he looked like he was ready to pull his hair out cause of frustration.

  "Honestly, I have no idea where to start so, Calvin will start." I said quickly

   "What? Why me?" Calvin said looking at me with an horrified face

"Uh, because I truly don't know where to start from." I said looking at the trophy cabinet

  "You can start as well." Calvin stated

"I'm really confused as to where to start from and which part to explain first. Therefore, you should start." I said adamantly

   I was not starting this story, not even if they truly killed me. What? Tarun is pretty scary and once he gets to know this story, he will be freaking furious.

I'm not going to be the one to receive most of it, that's what I have Calvin for. I know pushing Calvin in the front of a possible danger to protect myself seems cruel but it's not like I'm on the best terms with the guy and plus, if he takes most of Tarun's rage then I can just bribe Tarun with Pumpkin and Cheese Ravioli.

   It's a win-win. Oh, fine! A win for me and that's what matters the most.

"Nuh-uh, no way. This story is better explained by you in the beginning." Calvin said stubbornly

    "It's not. Remember, how bad my narrating skills are compared to you? You basically wrote plays for the Drama Club back in the day. You used to tell stories to Elementary and Kindergarten children in school." I countered trying to make him go first

"But you do with so much emotions and you know just way it should be said. You're the best one of us two to start this story first." Calvin retorted

  Okay, it might seem silly to argue over who goes first but Tarun's maximum anger is going to be directed towards the one who started telling the story.

Why is it so? I have no idea. It's something most of us have observed. If you are going to tell him something you know he's not going to be happy about, then, it's best to make someone else go first, then, when he is done being angry or, is much less pissed off, then, you can bribe him to calm down with something he loves. He just bursts on the person who starts.

   "You are starting Calvin. I'm crap at explaining such things and I'm pretty sure that you're the one, who knows how to explain the best, considering you're the one who remembers most of it. Especially, since, I spent a lot of that time in Nurse's Office trying to get of that concussion you gave me, remember?" I try to guilt him into it

   "Shut up both of you. Calvin start explaining." Ishal yelled interrupting us

   Ishal startled us making us jump which made me end up in Calvin's lap. Oh, such cruel fates I have!

  I blushed but stayed in his lap, gripping his shirt. He wrapped his hands around my waist, pulling me close. Tarun groaned out of frustration.

  "Start." Tarun said

"Royalty was 10, I was 13 when we first met. Quite a meeting it was. She was listening to music and her head was inside a book, she had no clue where she was going. I hadn't seen her and opened my locker, which slammed right into her, she passed out right away. I quickly stuffed my things in my locker, picked her up and ran to nurse's office. Found out she might have quite a concussion when she wakes up. I visited her after every class of mine, she woke at the end of the day when it was time for school to end. By gods, when she woke up, she was behaving like she was a baby kitty. It was entertaining for a while but it got annoying later." Calvin started

   "I was going through that concussion and it ended like after two to three hours. Calvin apologized for hitting me with his locker and then dropped me off. After that we got talking, became friends eventually that turned into love. We went out for almost six months but broke up before the six month anniversary. We have never really been on the sweetest terms ever since." I finished

   It must have been quite a sight, right? The girl who said that she wasn't on the sweetest terms with the guy was sitting in his lap while saying so. But, I know Tarun is bound to explode and then I'm going to hightail out of here and come back once Calvin has taken the hit.

Why do I have to sit on Calvin's lap for that?

Glad you asked, if I sat beside him, the first thing he would do is grab my wrist the moment I tried to bolt and leave him here to take the hit. Then, I will be forced to go through Tarun's explosion as well.

Sitting in his lap ensured that I had access to all his ticklish points and lucky for me, Calvin's extremely ticklish.

  "Where does making out after a fight come into that?" Tarun asked exasperated

   "Oh that, that started when I was 13. We fought, we made out. It's a cycle." I shrugged

   Calvin pinched me and I looked at him to see him giving me 'what the fuck are you saying' look. Then I realized what I just blurted out.


  "And you never told me this because?" Tarun asked looking at me expectantly

"Because if even one of us told you then you'd be mad the other one for not telling you so, we figured we can tell you at the same time but we never got a chance to." I said in small voice

  "Okay." Ishal nodded

"Seriously, that's all you've got to tell them?" Tarun asked giving Ishal an incredulous look

   "I get their reasoning but you're free to explode on them." Ishal said quickly

"I quite some words for you two." Tarun said

   I tried to tickle my way out of Calvin's arms but the bastard thought ahead of time. The idiot made sure to keep a hold on my thigh, not letting me move out of his arms. I cursed under my breath.

  "If I have to sit and let Tarun explode on me then you are getting stuck with me." Calvin said in a low whisper so, only I can hear

  His lips were so close to my ears. His breath was fanning my ear, the idiot. If he blew in my ear now, then I will end up moaning and he knew. I cursed him some more under my breath.

   Tarun exploded on both of us and let me tell you his choice of words shall never be repeated again.

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